Page 106 - Sarah's Children
P. 106

of his own. Man is to be in subjection to Christ in all things. Man is not to will things
               of his own initiative. He is not to determine his own course in life.

               If a man would be a disciple of Christ then he cannot determine where he will work,
               or what his occupation will be. He must allow Christ, his head, to reveal His will and
               desire for these things. A man cannot decide whom he will marry, or where he will
               live. These decisions too must be surrendered to the will of Christ. If a man would
               be Christ’s disciple, he cannot decide how he will spend his money, how he will raise
               his children, where he will go to church, or a myriad of other things, for if a man lives
               he must live for the Lord, and if he dies he must die for the Lord.

               This is the whole meaning of Sabbath rest. In Hebrews chapters 3 and 4, the apostle
               Paul states that a rest yet remains for the children of God. He reveals that there is a
               great danger of the saints failing to enter into this rest, even as the children of Israel
               who left Egypt failed to enter in. He then reveals how one enters the Sabbath rest of

                       Hebrews 4:10
                       For the one who has entered His rest has himself also rested from his
                       works, as God did from His.

               Man can have no works of his own. On the seventh day, Yahweh rested from His
               work of creation. He ceased initiating new works. Even so, man is to initiate nothing
               of his own. He is to find his highest purpose and calling in discerning the will of the
               Father and doing His good pleasure.

               Does this make man God’s doormat? Does this total subjection to the will of Yahweh
               belittle or humiliate man in some sense? Is a man who lives this way somehow
               lessened and diminished in his being and character? No! This is the purpose for
               which man was created. Man was made to express the character of God and to be an
               extension of His divine will. Yahshua was not diminished by laying aside His own
               initiative and refusing  to be self-directed. He became perfect in obedience, and
               because of this the Father has now highly exalted Him and given Him a name above
               all other names.

               It is evident that the church at large is very shortsighted today. They seek to enjoy life
               to the fullest and to gain all the things of this world they can. The church seeks to
               fulfill every human ambition and to chase every personal initiative now, during this
               physical life. Yet this is not the purpose of this life. The purpose of this life is to
               conform us to the image of Christ who never sought His own will or way. For the joy
               set before Him He endured the cross.
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