Page 102 - Sarah's Children
P. 102

interests in his actions and decisions?” “What if he makes a decision that is costly to
               myself and the rest of the family?” “What if his guidance leads to hardship and
               anguish and I have to suffer due to this?” “What if I am not given any forum to
               exercise the gifts and talents God has placed in my life?” “What if my happiness is
               threatened in submitting to his headship?” And even, “What will others think of me
               for choosing to submit to authority when it is so out of vogue, and women who
               submit to their husbands are looked at as weak and spineless?”

               The Father knows our frames, that we are but dust. He knows we have tremendous
               fears that come against us. He realizes the peril that many women feel in submitting
               themselves to their husbands. He is gracious to those who choose to do so despite the
               fears that arise within them. This truly finds great favor with Yahweh. Oh how He
               will minister grace and mercy to those who choose to entrust themselves to Him and
               to abide by His governmental order, overcoming every objection that arises within

               I have great compassion for the fears of women. I know how difficult it is to submit
               to someone who very well may make decisions that will bring negative consequences.
               As I struggled with this issue at one time, I asked God what it would hurt for a man
               to  just  capitulate  and  to  tell  his  wife  that  they  would  run  their  marriage  like  a
               democracy and all decisions would be made with the equal voice of both partners. I
               was asking God, “If a man chooses to lay aside the authority delegated to him, and
               out of compassion for his wife to never ask her to do anything that caused her
               distress or discomfort, what would be wrong with this?” God spoke back to me so
               quickly that I was startled. He said, “Honor would be missing.”

               A wife is told to honor her husband as man is to honor his head,  Yahshua the
               Messiah. God has created a divine mystery where the marriage relationship mirrors
               the relationship  of Christ with  His  Bride. The King  James Version of the Bible
               renders the word honor as ‘reverence’.

                       Ephesians 5:32-33
                       This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.
                       Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as
                       himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.

               The word reverence in this verse is a very intense word. Strongs’ Hebrew and Greek
               Dictionary renders it this way. 5399  phobeo (fob-eh'-o);

                       from 5401; to frighten, i.e. to be alarmed; by analogy, to be in awe of,
                       i.e. revere:
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