Page 61 - SABBATH
P. 61

Entering In

                       consider  it  a  landmark  day  to  be  writing  this  final  chapter  to  the  book
                     I“SABBATH”on this 12  of August, 2003. The book has been posted and made
               available to readers since September, 2001, but I realized even then that the book was not
               finished. Like Moses who was allowed to see the inheritance of the children of Israel, the
               promised land of God, from a distance, but who was not allowed to enter in, in like manner
               I have also seen what the Father’s desire for us has been, but I have been unable to enter in.
                     I have seen that there is a place where God desires for all of His children to enter. It
               is a land of Sabbath rest where men and women cease from their own labors to do only the
               will of the Father. It is a place where all personal initiative ceases and where all that is done
               finds its origin in the mind of Yahweh, Who alone is worthy to be the source and originator
               of all words and deeds. The Son of God demonstrated to us what such a life and walk looks
               like. He was truly Lord of the Sabbath, for He was the manifestation of perfect rest. He
               never did anything of His own initiative, neither did He even speak a word that arose from
               self. Everything He said and did found its source in the Father.
                     In this book we have learned that it is the Father’s desire that ALL should enter into
               this place of rest. All must be conformed to the image of His Son. All must come to the place
               where they can also testify, “I never do anything of my own initiative. I only do the will of
               the Father.” We must be so perfect as to declare, “I do not even speak a word of my own
               initiative, but I speak only those things the Father has commanded me.”
                     Our great temptation is to deny that these things are truly the Father’s will for us, for
               we have never yet experienced such a perfect obedience, nor have we seen any man other
               than Yahshua Himself enter into this place of perfection and absolute rest. We may be
               tempted to believe that these things will only be attained and experienced in heaven, but
               listen to the words of our Lord as He taught His disciples to pray the will of the Father.

                       Matthew 6:9-10
                       Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come.
                       Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

                     Our Savior prayed for God’s Kingdom to come, and for His will to be done on earth.
               When the will of God is done on the earth then the Kingdom of God will be seen among
               men. The coming of the Kingdom is synonymous with the children of God entering into this
               place of Sabbath rest. It is here on earth that Yahweh has determined that men and women
               should enter into this place of perfect obedience, and absolute rest, and should we doubt
               it we need to remind ourselves of the apostle’s warning:

                       Hebrews 3:16-19
                       For who provoked Him when they had heard? Indeed, did not all those who came
                       out of Egypt led by Moses? And with whom was He angry for forty years? Was it not
                       with those who sinned, whose bodies fell in the wilderness? And to whom did He
                       swear that they would not enter His rest, but to those who were disobedient? So we
                       see that they were not able to enter because of unbelief.
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