Page 56 - SABBATH
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expect to continue in the same way, being full of his own direction as he is led by his reason,
               impulses, and will.
                     Yahshua waited until He was thirty years old to begin His earthly ministry, and then
               His ministry lasted only three and a half years. David and Joseph also were thirty years old
               at the time of their receiving that which had been promised them. Moses was eighty years
               old when he was called of Yahweh to begin his ministry. Moses had attempted to fulfill his
               calling forty years earlier, but his premature attempt was a dismal failure.
                     We see that in all ministry men must be at rest. They must enter into the Sabbath of
               God where they have ceased from their own labors. It is no good trying to fulfill the ministry
               of the kingdom of God through human effort. It will simply lead to striving, and nothing
               built through such human effort will last. All our labors will be tried by fire and much of it
               will be burned up, as the scriptures proclaim.

                       I Corinthians 3:10-15
                       According to the grace of God which was given to me, as a wise master builder I laid
                       a foundation, and another is building upon it. But let each man be careful how he
                       builds upon it. For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid,
                       which is Yahshua Messiah. Now if any man builds upon the foundation with gold,
                       silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, each man's work will become evident; for
                       the day will show it, because it is to be revealed with fire; and the fire itself will test
                       the  quality  of  each  man's  work.  If  any  man's  work  which  he  has  built  upon  it
                       remains, he shall receive a reward. If any man's work is burned up, he shall suffer
                       loss; but his soul shall be saved, yet so as through fire.

                     It is a difficult thing to bring a man to understand what is being spoken of here. Men
               want to believe that they are completely qualified for ministry. They look at one another and
               they say, “I am just as qualified as the next man to be used of God.” Much pride is revealed
               in such an attitude, however. Men often fail to look to God to see whom He has proclaimed
               as qualified to be a minister in the kingdom. Rather, they compare themselves among
               themselves and in doing so they act as those who are unwise (II Corinthians 10:12).
                     A minister must come to a place of rest before he is considered ready for advancement
               in the kingdom. A man that will not wait upon Yahweh, and a man that chafes at the long
               and grueling preparation process of a minister - at the abasement and humility that must
               become a part of his nature, will never come to a place of effectual service in the kingdom.
               The character of God’s workman must be free from ambition and self-initiative. God’s
               workman must understand his complete inability to bring forth anything of lasting value
               through  his  own  effort.  The  successful  servant  of  the  Lord  must  live  a  life  of  total
               submission to the will of Yahweh.
                     The Father’s school of preparation exacts a toll upon all those who go that way. Joseph
               longed to be free of his imprisonment, and he begged Pharaoh’s cupbearer to remember
               him when he was restored to Pharaoh’s service (Genesis 40:14). The cupbearer promptly
               forgot Joseph, however, and Joseph remained three more years in prison while the word
               of Yahweh tested him. I believe that Joseph finally came to a place of rest before the Father
               called him out of prison.
                     David, too, felt overwhelmed at times by all of is trials. He cried out to Yahweh to
               answer him and deliver him lest he should be overwhelmed with sorrow and grief. The
               Psalms are full of David’s cries for relief from his perilous and woe-filled circumstances. In
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