Page 27 - SABBATH
P. 27

Lucifer, the First Sabbath Breaker

                     e can gain yet more insight into this matter of Sabbath rest by looking at the scripture
               Waccount of the first violation of Sabbath. As the book of Genesis opens, the first
               violation of Sabbath has already occurred, and the judgment of Yahweh has fallen upon the
               one who entered into striving. We see this judgment described even from the opening verses
               of Genesis.

                       Genesis 1:1-2
                       In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. But the earth became
                       formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep...

                     Between verse one and verse two of Genesis a judgment fell upon the earth. This
               judgment resulted in the earth being made into a wasteland. This wasteland is described as
               being “formless and void” and covered in darkness. God did not create the earth originally
               as a wasteland, it became one due to rebellion and God’s judgment on this rebellion.

                       Isaiah 45:18
                       For thus says Yahweh, who created the heavens (He is the God who formed the earth
                       and made it, He established it and did not create it a waste place, but formed it to be
                       inhabited), "I am Yahweh, and there is none else.”

                     Due to the errors the translators have incorporated into the most popular English
               translations of the Bible, this understanding of judgment falling between verse one and
               verse two of Genesis has been obscured and hidden to the masses. As one examines the
               scriptures, rightly dividing them, they see that a judgment did indeed fall and that the
               remainder of the first chapter of Genesis is not speaking of the first creation of the Earth,
               but of the re-creation of the Earth after it had been judged.
                     A very clear witness of this fact is the scripture from Isaiah above that says that
               Yahweh did not create the earth as a waste place. But we see in verse two of the opening
               chapter of Genesis that it has become a waste place. We need not stop there, however, for
               the very words and phrasing that describe the state of the world after Yahweh judged it are
               found duplicated in other passages of scripture.

                       Jeremiah 4:23
                       I looked on the earth, and behold, it was formless and void; and to the heavens, and
                       they had no light.

                     This scripture in Jeremiah serves as a key to unlocking our understanding of Genesis
               1:2.  We  see  the  identical  description  of  the  earth  given  with  all  three  elements  being
               repeated; the earth is formless, void, and covered in darkness. We need only look to the
               context of this passage in Jeremiah to perceive that this is describing the judgment of
               Yahweh falling upon the earth.

                       Jeremiah 4:8-26
                       "For this, put on sackcloth, lament and wail; for the fierce anger of Yahweh has not
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