Page 23 - SABBATH
P. 23

and made known to Adam that which He would have him to do. Both good and evil were
               made known to Adam by direct communication with Yahweh God. Yahweh told Adam the
               things that were good and desirable; Adam should tend the garden and eat of its trees.
               Yahweh also told Adam what constituted evil. There was only one thing that was described
               as being outside of the will of Yahweh. Adam was not to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge
               of Good and Evil.
                     Things were very simple for Adam. If he did the things Yahweh commanded him to
               do he was walking in obedience and adhering to good. If Adam did the one thing Yahweh
               commanded him not to do he would be walking in disobedience and this would be evil. Both
               good and evil for Adam were made known through direct communication with Yahweh. In
               this we see that good equates to doing Yahweh’s expressed will, while evil is doing that
               which is not His will.
                     We know the tragic occurrence that took place in the Garden of Eden. We are told that
               the serpent came and deceived Eve. He tempted her to eat of the fruit of the forbidden tree.
               What he revealed in the temptation is highly important.

                       Genesis 3:5
                       "For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you
                       will be like God, knowing good and evil."

                       Let us examine these words closely. The temptation that Satan brought to Eve was
               the temptation to “be like God,” and the particular attribute that was characterized as
               unique to God was the ability to know “good and evil.” Up until this time neither Adam nor
               Eve were able to determine good and evil themselves. There was only one who determined
               good and evil, and this was Yahweh. What Yahweh declared to be good was good, and what
               He declared to be evil was evil. He alone could make such judgments. He alone had the
               authority to determine what was allowable and what was forbidden, what was righteous
               conduct and what was unrighteous conduct. Yahweh alone could determine what activities
               should be performed, and which should be abstained from.
                       In all of creation, Yahweh did not create a single being that was endowed with the
               authority to determine for itself good and evil. All created things came forth from Yahweh,
               and for all things to be at rest they had to be in a state of perfect harmony with His will. No
               created being had the authority to will things of its own initiative. All things found their will
               in the mind of the One who was the Creator.
                       What the serpent offered Eve was the ability to do something that was reserved for
               the Creator alone. Eve could determine her own way. She could decide for herself what
               activities were good and which were evil. She could, within her own being, find the ability
               to govern herself.
                       Some saints have the mistaken idea that the tragedy of eating of the tree of the
               knowledge of good and evil was that evil activities came forth. They look at Cain murdering
               Abel, they look at the selfishness, lying, coveting, adultery, and all manner of evil that came
               upon the Earth and they say, “This is the great evil of eating of the forbidden tree.”
                       The great evil was not these things. The great evil was that man began to look within
               himself to perceive what was right and wrong. Man ceased to always look to Yahweh to
               discern what His will was. Man now had his own initiative and a will that was severed from
               the will of God. It was not that man began doing bad things that was the great tragedy, it
               was that man began to have a will of his own that initiated things apart from the mind of
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