Page 16 - SABBATH
P. 16

Father.  The  Son  is  in  complete  agreement  with  the  will  of  the  Father,  being  fully
               surrendered to the carrying out of His will. Likewise the Spirit is in complete agreement
               with the Son, carrying out His will.

                       John 16:13
                       "But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He
                       will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He
                       will disclose to you what is to come.”

                     Yahweh is looking for man to also enter into this place of rest where there is no
               initiative anywhere in creation other than Yahweh’s own initiative. When the Father wills
               one thing, and others will something else, no matter how noble or good it appears, this is
               defined as striving. Striving is willing something that has not originated in the mind of the
                     Christianity is striving continuously. They are always willing things the Father is not
               willing. They are continuously setting their hands to do things which they have not received
               by the Spirit of God. It does not matter how noble or right it seems. A person can share the
               gospel with another human being and be striving. A person can heal the sick and be striving.
               A person can cast out a demon and be striving. A person can prophesy and be striving. A
               person can perform all manner of miracles and be striving.
                     How can these things be? How could it be striving and sin to do any of these things?
               The answer is revealed in the following words of Yahshua.

                       Matthew 7:21-23
                       “Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven; but
                       he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven. Many will say to Me on that day,
                       'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons,
                       and in Your name perform many miracles?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never
                       knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.’”

                     The Lord reveals that on the day of judgment there will be many who will come to Him
               thinking they will receive praise and honor, yet dishonor and punishment will be their
               portion. What is the sin that these have committed? Their actions were that they were
               prophesying in  His  name, they were casting out demons in His name, and they were
               performing miracles in His name. What could possibly be wrong with these activities? Why
               are these people condemned as those who practice lawlessness?
                     Yahshua  is  not  speaking  against  adulterers,  thieves,  or  murderers  here.  Such
               transgressions were clearly forbidden in the ten commandments. If one has eyes to see,
               however, they will realize that what is spoken of here is also in violation of one of the
               commandments. The commandment is “remember the Sabbath, to keep it holy.”
                     As we have already defined Sabbath, it is entering into the rest of God. Sabbath is only
               doing that which the Father leads us to do. Whether one does an apparently good act, or an
               evil act, it is still a violation of Sabbath if the Father is not the originator of it. Any activity
               arising of man’s own  initiative, even seemingly good deeds, is a violation of Sabbath.
               Yahshua did all of the things He spoke of in this passage; He prophesied, He cast out
               demons, and He performed miracles. However, He never did any of these things of His own
               initiative. He only did that which the Father instructed Him to do.
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