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Yahweh created man first, then He created woman. The apostle Paul speaks of this in the
               following passage:

               I Corinthians 11:8-9
               For man does not originate from woman, but woman from man; for indeed man was not created
               for the woman's sake, but woman for the man's sake.

               I Timothy 2:13
               For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve.

               Why was woman created? It was because Yahweh declared that it was not good for man to be
               alone. He declared that man needed a helper. What was the chief thing man needed help with?
               Man was created to do the works of God. He was created to look and act like his Creator.
               Yahweh is a life-giver, and He intended man to also be a life-giver. Man could not bring forth
               life on his own. Man contained the seed of life, for in man is the sperm of procreation. The seed
               of life, however, needed a fertile and protected place wherein it might be nurtured and brought to
               maturity. This place, by Yahweh’s design, is in the womb of the woman.

               It takes male and female, working together, to bring forth life. In this way humanity conforms
               itself to the image and likeness of God, for He is a life-giving spirit.

               Advocates of homosexual behavior cannot change the fact that it takes a man and a woman
               together to produce life. Two men engaged in homosexual intercourse cannot produce life. Two
               women engaged in homosexual intercourse cannot produce life. Homosexuality, by its very
               nature, is sterile. It is devoid of life. It falls short of being a true reflection of the image and
               likeness of Yahweh.

               That homosexual relationships are devoid of life is a profound truth that cannot be
               overemphasized. Mankind was created to be a reflection of his Creator. Yahweh designed His
               creation so that a man and a woman in a heterosexual relationship might bring forth life. This is a
               fact that homosexuality cannot overcome. A homosexual male may have thousands of same-sex
               partners, but his seed will never produce life. A woman in a lesbian relationship will never
               become impregnated with life from her same-sex partner.

               Homosexuality is often referred to as “the gay lifestyle.” This description is false. Homosexuality
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