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Chapter 7

               II Timothy 4:3-4
               For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears
               tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires; and will
               turn away their ears from the truth, and will turn aside to myths.

               The Myth of Being Born Gay

               The Elusive Gay Gene

               Science has NOT discovered a “gay gene.” Such a gene does NOT exist. How can this be when
               the media has trumpeted with such authority the claim that people are “born gay”? I refer you
               back to the previous post in which Kirk and Madsen laid out their plans to normalize
               homosexuality in the 1990s. Remember, they said that telling lies was quite acceptable for their
               “moral” and “ethical” goal of eliminating all discrimination toward homosexuals.

               Kirk and Madsen’s master plan for transforming societal views on homosexuality had barely
               begun to be implemented when the fruit of their scheme began to manifest. Simon LeVay, a
               researcher working at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in San Diego reported that he had
               found subtle differences in the post-mortem brains of heterosexual and homosexual males.
               LeVay focused on the region of the hypothalamus which some believe regulates sexual behavior.
               LeVay reported that a certain area of the hypothalamus was smaller in the deceased homosexual
               men’s brains than in heterosexual males. He claimed that the diminished size of this region was
               also found in females, suggesting a cause for the males’ homosexuality.

               LeVay was far from an impartial researcher. He was a practicing homosexual whose male partner
               of 21 years had recently died of AIDS. LeVay viewed his role as an advocate to shape the views
               of society, including making alterations to religious views and government legislation. He is
               quoted as saying, “It’s important to educate society. I think this issue does affect religious and
               legal attitudes.”
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