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P. 68

just to get another point of view...”

               Up on that glitzy convention stage were representatives of top broadcast news networks debating
               whether or not professional journalists should give voice to the Christian or traditional
               viewpoint on homosexuality. Or, they suggested, wouldn’t it be better just to censor such
               “hateful” and “bigoted” viewpoints as being the moral equivalent of a “pro-racism” or “pro-
               bigotry” viewpoint, and thus beyond the margins of civilized debate?
               [Source: Ibid]

               You may be surprised to learn that even local news broadcasters utilize canned scripts sent to
               them by their parent organizations. Consider the following videos:



               It is significant that Conan O’Brien, like John Stewart, is presenting this information in a
               comedic format. These men, after all, are paid employees of the same networks they are
               mocking. The plan is to shape people’s responses. By making media bias and its centralized
               control into a joke, people are conditioned to not take these subjects too seriously. Controlling
               thoughts, and altering the morals of a nation through media propagandizing, are not laughing

               As a Christian who is living in a society that is being purposefully, maliciously, and deceitfully
               corrupted by invisible men who are enemies of Christ, you need to recognize that you, along with
               the rest of society, are being intentionally manipulated. The story of Matthew Shepard, like that
               of Trayvon Martin, was an opportunistic exploitation of Americans. The media seized upon
               Matthew Shepard’s death as an opportunity to portray Christian belief as bigoted, hateful, and
               leading to violence when there was no evidence that homosexuality, much less Biblical views on
               the subject, had anything to do with the attack on Matthew Shepard.

               Every day we are being subjected to news stories that depict the homosexual as a victim to be
               pitied. They are portrayed as victims of a cruel disease called AIDS, of bullying, or
               discrimination. The news NEVER portrays homosexuals in an unfavorable light. Have you noted
               that with all of the news about Roman Catholic priests sexually molesting young boys, it is
               NEVER mentioned that the priests are engaging in homosexual behavior. You will NOT find the
               word “gay” mentioned in these news stories. Instead, the priest is always described as a sexual
               predator, or a child abuser. The media masters do not want Americans to associate
               homosexuality with the exploitation of children, or abuse of innocent victims.

               The hidden hand that guides the media has an agenda planned. As Kirk and Madsen stated, it
               does not matter whether what is reported consists of lies, or is an intentional distortion of actual
               events. The end justifies the means.
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