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psychological attack, in the form of propaganda fed to the nation via the media...

               Transforming another person’s hatred into love (“warm regard”) is the object of classic
               brainwashing. As Kirk and Madsen explain:

               In Conversion, we mimic the natural process of stereotype-learning, with the following effect: we
               take the bigot’s good feelings about all-right guys, and attach them to the label “gay,” either
               weakening or, eventually, replacing his bad feelings toward the label and the prior stereotype...

               Whereas in Jamming the target is shown a bigot being rejected by his crowd for his prejudice
               against gays, in Conversion the target is shown his crowd actually associating with gays in good
               fellowship. Once again, it’s very difficult for the average person, who, by nature and training,
               almost invariably feels what he sees his fellows feeling, not to respond in this knee-jerk fashion
               to a sufficiently calculated advertisement...

               “It makes no difference that the ads are lies,” write Kirk and Madsen, “not to us, because we’re
               using them to ethically good effect, to counter negative stereotypes that are every bit as much
               lies, and far more wicked ones.”
               [Source: The Marketing of Evil, David Kupelian]

               Kupelian goes on to describe the media and press’ complicity with the homosexual agenda.  In
               2000, at a San Francisco meeting of the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association
               (NLGJA), a gala conference was held. Sponsoring this media convention were: Hearst
               Newspapers; Knight-Ridder, Inc.; CBS News; Gannett Foundation; CNN; Bloomberg News;
               NBC News; the Dallas Morning News; Fox News Channel; the Los Angeles Times; the New
               York Daily News; the San Francisco Chronicle; Time, Inc.; the Wall Street Journal; the
               Washington Post; and the San Jose Mercury News.

               The main topic of discussion at this conference of media professionals was whether the
               mainstream news have a responsibility, in the pursuit of balance and fair reporting, to include any
               viewpoints that contradict those of homosexuals. The answer was a resounding “No!” David
               Kupelian writes:

               MSNBC producer David Escobar framed the issue this way, “This whole issue of ‘balance’ that
               we as journalists are supposed to achieve... When we cover the black community, I’ve never seen
               a newsroom where you’re covering one side and then you have to go run out and get the Klan’s
               point of view: ‘Well, I’ve got to go do my Klan interview.” How do you be fair?”

               NLGJA member Jeffrey Kofman, at the time a CBS correspondent who later migrated to NBC,
               restated the question: “The argument [is]: Why do we constantly see in coverage of gay and
               lesbian, bisexual and transgender issues, the homophobes and fag-haters quoted in the stories
               when, of course, we don’t do that with Jews, blacks, etcetera?”

               Paula Madison, vice president of diversity at NBC and news director of WNBC in New York,
               added: “I agree with him. I don’t see why we would seek out... the absurd, inane point of view
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