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P. 65

Shortly, thereafter, activists Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen put into book form the
               comprehensive public relations plan they had been advocating with their gay-rights peers for
               several years.

               Kirk and Madsen were not the kind of drooling activists that would burst into churches and
               throw condoms in the air. They were smart guys - very smart. Kirk, a Harvard-educated
               researcher in neuropsychiatry, worked with the “Johns Hopkins Study of Mathematically
               Precocious Youth” and designed aptitude tests for adults with 200+ IQs. Madsen, with a
               doctorate in politics from Harvard, was an expert on public persuasion tactics and social
               marketing. Together they wrote “After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred
               of Gays in the ‘90s.”

               “As cynical as it may seem,” they explained at the outset, “AIDS gives us a chance, however
               brief, to establish ourselves as a victimized minority legitimately deserving of America’s special
               protection and care...”

               The bottom line of Kirk and Madsen’s master plan? “The campaign we outline in this book,
               though complex, depends centrally upon a program of unabashed propaganda, firmly grounded
               in long-established principles of psychology and advertising.”

               Arguing that, skillfully handled, the AIDS epidemic could conquer American resistance to
               homosexuality and form the basis of a comprehensive, long-term marketing campaign to sell
               “gay-rights” to straight America, “After the Ball” became the public relations “Bible” of the

               Kirk and Madsen’s “war goal,” explains marketing expert Paul E. Rondeau of Regent
               University, was to “force acceptance of homosexual culture into the mainstream, to silence
               opposition, and ultimately to convert American Society...”

               Okay, you might be wondering, even granting the movement’s cutting-edge marketing savvy, how
               do you sell middle America on those five hundred sex partners and weird sexual practices?
               Answer, according to Kirk and Madsen, you don’t. Just don’t talk about it. Rather, look and act
               as normal as possible for the camera.

               “When you’re very different, and people hate you for it,” they explain, “this is what you do: first
               you get your foot in the door, by being as similar as possible; then, and only then - when your
               one little difference is finally accepted - can you start dragging in your other peculiarities, one
               by one. You hammer in the wedge narrow end first. As the saying goes, allow the camel’s nose
               beneath your tent, and his whole body will soon follow.”

               In other words, sadomasochists, leather fetishists, cross-dressers, transgenders, (pedophiles),
               and other “peculiar” members of the homosexual community need to keep away from the tent
               and out of sight while the sales job is under way. Later, once the camel is safely inside, there will
               be room for all.
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