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               The actual state of the media control is worse than the images above reveal. All of these major
               media corporations have interlocking relationships as men and women who serve on the board of
               the companies in one group also serve on the boards of corporations from other groups. The
               entire world has fallen under the sway of a global corporatocracy.

               The phrase “Interlocking Directorate” describes the practice of global corporations to place
               directors from one company on the board of another company to increase power, coordination,
               and influence of the businesses joined in this way. This leads to a high level of coordination
               between companies, which explains why there are thousands of individual media companies that
               all run the same stories. These corporate directors are not the true powers behind the scene. They
               are the appointed ambassadors of a smaller group of global elite. These new world order
               ambassadors/corporate directors carefully guide all of the amassed media entities under their
               sway, causing the public to place their focus upon whatever subject is determined by the powers
               that be.

               The appearance of conflict between media companies like Fox News, MSNBC, and CNN are
               carefully controlled ruses. The global elite carefully select both sides of an argument so that any
               free thought that is in opposition to their goals will be excluded. It is much like the charade
               carried on by the Democratic and Republican parties during elections. In the most recent
               presidential contest, the only candidate that presented a view contrary to the global elite was Ron
               Paul. The media made a point to marginalize Ron Paul, downplaying his support, characterizing
               him as “unelectable,” and removing all mention of him from articles that made mention of those
               who stood as frontrunners.

               The candidates who did receive favorable attention were all handpicked servants of the global
               elite. The following video reveals the manner in which the media controls thoughts by framing a
               debate, excluding those people who are free thinkers, and eliminating all debate that threatens the
               global aims of the ruling powers.


               Those with any integrity can clearly see that the policies of the U.S. government did not change
               at all when the Republican President George W. Bush was replaced by the Democratic President
               Barack Hussein Obama. Despite many campaign promises that things would be different,
               America has seen more of the same. The media portrayal of substantive differences between the
               chosen candidates of the two major parties is a scam to deceive the gullible. Both parties are
               controlled by the financial powers of a global elite.

               In his book titled Propaganda, published in 1928, Edward Bernays wrote:

               The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is
               an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of
               society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.
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