Page 59 - Push Back
P. 59

Chapter 6

               One aspect of the global push for homosexual normalization in which the truth is largely
               unknown is that the campaign to champion “gay-rights” is NOT a grass-roots movement. It is
               often difficult to bring Christians to the realization that the media in America, and across the
               world, is controlled by a cabal of global elites who are servants of Satan.

               Growing up in America in the 1960s and ‘70s, I heard a great deal of condemnation of the
               propagandistic, state-controlled media in communist nations, particularly the Soviet Union. I was
               made to understand that the press in communist nations was rigidly controlled, that it did not
               permit dissenting opinions, and that news was reported in such a way that it always served the
               aims of those in positions of power.

               I remember thinking as a youth that surely everyone in those nations must realize that the media
               is state-controlled, and that they must disdain what is reported as biased and lacking truth. I could
               not imagine citizens of communist nations taking the reports in the press seriously. I imagined
               that men and women had to be truly blind, or exceptionally naive, to give credence to what was
               reported in the state controlled media.

               The great subtlety of Satan was such that failed to consider that the media in America was
               equally biased, and existed to serve the ends of those in positions of power. The mantra that
               America is a free nation with a free press was so pervasive as I was growing up, that I accepted
               this as truth. It never occurred to me that America was just as thoroughly propagandized as
               Russia, or some other despotic communist regime.

               In the recent series titled Dragon Flood, I shared the following information.
               A moneyed elite found it possible to control the climate in which attitudes are formed,
               and actions are birthed. By control of the media and the governments of nations, they
               are well positioned to not only set the agenda for public discussion, but to define the
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