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“Pediatricians should support or create gay-straight alliances at schools,” the guidelines state,
               “and support the development and enforcement of zero-tolerance policies for homophobic
               teasing, bullying, harassment, and violence.”

               The group also recommends physicians keep a list of homosexual advocacy groups and their
               websites handy to give to children who express confusion about their sexuality.

               There have been some physicians who have refused to serve as advocates for immoral
               government propaganda, but soon they will have no choice. With the passage of the Affordable
               Care Act, also known as “Obamacare,” all aspects of healthcare provision are firmly under the
               government’s control. Any doctor who refuses to act as an advocate of the homosexual lobby
               will soon find that they are no longer able to practice medicine.

               Brothers and sisters, I share this information that you might be set free from any awe of men and
               women in white coats. The stereotypical white smock worn by a doctor is a subtlety of the
               enemy. The Bible describes the saints who are cleansed and made righteous as being adorned in
               white raiment (Revelation 3:5; 3:18; 4:4; etc.). The apostle Paul informs us:

               II Corinthians 11:14-15
               Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also
               disguise themselves as servants of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their deeds.

               Do not buy into the image presented of Doctors arrayed in white garments, with documents upon
               their office walls attesting to their great learning. Such things qualify no man to overturn the
               righteous judgments of God. “Men, professing themselves to be wise, have become as fools”
               (Romans 1:22).

               There is no science behind the medical claims that homosexuality is “normal” and “safe”
               behavior. There is only hubris. In their pride, men and women who are esteemed in the eyes of
               society are offering to mankind words that appear wise. They are calling that which Yahweh
               declared evil to be good. Do not take a bite from the forbidden fruit. A profession that has
               brought death to tens of millions of babies in the womb, and has caused the death of millions
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