Page 55 - Push Back
P. 55

medication spellbinding.


               A database containing hundreds of examples of people who committed suicide, performed
               violent acts including multiple murders, or exhibited other signs of mania, while taking doctor
               prescribed psychotropic drugs can be found at the website SSRI Stories.

               These facts describe some of the dark aspects of the medical profession. Far from being a
               benevolent community following the Hippocratic injunction to “first, do no harm,” millions are
               sickened, injured, or killed by medical practitioners every year. All of this damage to society is
               done by a medical profession that is raking in trillions of dollars annually in the United States
               alone. Medical care is the single largest expense category for the average American citizen,
               greater even than the cost of housing, or food.

               Yet, an even greater harm is being committed by this profession that has fallen under the
               influence of Satan to such an astonishing degree. The medical community defines what is normal
               and abnormal behavior. They inform society about what is healthy and what is unhealthy. By
               using their authority and influence to declare homosexuality to be normal, and even desirable
               behavior, doctors and other healthcare practitioners are destroying the moral fabric of society. It
               is a more serious transgression to corrupt the souls of men than it is to inflict injury to their

               Yesterday, a sister in Christ sent me a link to the following article.

               Pediatricians should decorate office with pictures of gay couples
               by Kirsten Andersen
               WASHINGTON, D.C., August 1, 2013 (
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