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P. 189
There are many questions and related issues that come to mind as people consider the Biblical
view of homosexuality. Some of these questions are raised with a sincere desire to understand the
truth. There are also many insincere questions/objections raised in opposition to the Biblical
teaching on homosexuality. They are insincere because the people raising the questions are not
searching for truth, nor are they desiring to arrive at the mind of Christ. Rather, they are biased,
having an agenda that they are defending. This was observed when, during the recent elections in
Australia, the Prime Minister seeking re-election stated that the Bible could not serve as a guide
for social issues since it also endorsed slavery.
In the video below, taken from a broadcast on Australian television, you will see twitter
messages appearing on the screen. One mentions that the Bible also forbids the eating of
shellfish. The intent of such statements is to cast the Bible into disrepute so that it will appear
ridiculous for anyone to suggest that the Holy Scriptures have relevance to today’s social issues.
This is a form of argument that many have embraced in an attempt to discredit the Biblical
teaching on homosexuality. Some individuals point to issues in the Bible that are regarded as
cruel, unjust, or socially unacceptable, and use these examples to call into question the Bible’s
teachings on homosexuality. Some point to the prohibition in the Law of Moses against eating
shellfish, or wearing clothes made out of two types of material, or eating pork, or stoning to death
a rebellious son, etc., to declare that Christians are not following these laws today. They follow
this up by asking why the prohibition against homosexual relationships should be any different.
They would accuse Christians of arbitrarily choosing which Old Testament laws they want to
adhere unto.
A common aspect of these questions/objections is that they demonstrate a failure to “rightly
divide the word of God.” Those who use such arguments are not seeking truth, nor do they care
whether they are accurately representing the views of Yahweh, or the teachings of the Bible.
These objections become a problem when the Christians who are confronted with them do not
know the Scriptures well enough to give a defense of the truth. Christians are easily tripped up by
these objections. In the case of Kevin Rudd, the former Prime Minister of Australia (who lost the
recent election), this man professes to be a Christian. His profession of faith is akin to Barack
Obama’s statement that he is a Christian and a man of faith. Yahshua said you would know men
by their fruit. Promoting homosexuality, a lifestyle that leads to sickness, death, depression, and
rebellion against God, is rotten fruit.
None of the objections raised by those advocating on behalf of homosexual normalization are
unanswerable. Some issues take considerable reflection to understand aright, and may require
revelation from the Father, but He has promised to give liberally to all who ask Him for wisdom
(James 1:5).