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P. 182
Knowing that God has testified in His word that those who participate in homosexual behavior
will not inherit the kingdom of God (I Corinthians 6:9-10), it is neither truthful, nor loving, to
refuse to warn those who transgress in this area of the consequences of their actions. The
Christian who by their words and actions leads the homosexual to believe that God will wink at
their sin, and who infers that there will be no negative consequences of this immoral behavior, is
behaving in a false manner. Yahweh will hold them accountable if in an attempt to “get along”
they refuse to be light and salt in the midst of a dark and decaying world.
One of the ways that Christians lead others to conclude that Yahweh tolerates homosexual
behavior, is by continuing in fellowship with Christians who are engaged in this immoral
lifestyle. Some believers have family members who profess to be Christians who are known to be
involved in immoral behavior. Neither Christ nor the apostle Paul makes any distinction between
a family member who claims to be a believer, or a non-family member. The requisite response is
the same. Let them be as a tax-gatherer or a Gentile. Do not associate with them. Do not even eat
with them.
Some in reading this will argue that this seems unreasonably harsh, especially if the transgressor
is a son or daughter. What would truly be harsh is for the child to remain unrepentant all their life
and suffer the judgment of God. By refusing to fellowship with the sinner, the intent is to make
known to them the seriousness of their transgression. It is to lead them to repentance. Those who
put familial bonds above obedience to God are transgressing against the instructions of Yahweh
and His Christ.
Luke 14:26
“If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and
brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple.”
Some have described the type of love demanded by God as “tough love.” We should bear in
mind that the love of God did not supercede His righteous judgment even when it came to His
own Son. There was no shortcut to obtaining salvation for mankind, and atonement for
humanity’s sin. The Son of God had to pay the penalty of sin for mankind on the cross. Sin is a
deadly serious matter.
What are Christian parents communicating to their children when they observe their children