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Chapter 15
What are the spiritual roots of homosexuality, and how is homosexuality mirrored in the spiritual
life of the church? These are important questions to consider, for to return to a condition that
God can bless, men and women must recognize how they got so far afield of the will of Yahweh.
Rome was a very sensual society in the time of Christ and His apostles. The power and affluence
of Rome led to tremendous decadence. Thus we find the apostle Paul, in his letter to the church
in Rome, addressing the subject of homosexuality. Wealth, and an inordinate emphasis upon
leisure activities and pleasure, have often led to the corruption of societies throughout history. It
is not coincidental that America is a world leader in promoting the homosexual lifestyle. America
prides itself as the world’s last superpower. America is renowned for its affluence, its great
wealth, with all the attendant luxuries. Americans have given themselves to every form of
entertainment and sensuality, and they have exported the same to the nations of the world.
The prophet Ezekiel describes the sin of Sodom and the cities round about her.
Ezekiel 16:49-50
“Behold, this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters had fulness of pride,
abundant food, and careless ease, but she did not help the poor and needy. Thus they were
haughty and committed abominations before Me. Therefore I removed them when I saw it.”
We know that among the abominations of Sodom was homosexuality, for the story of the
destruction of Sodom, Gomorrah, and the cities of the surrounding plain, are recorded in Genesis
chapters 18 and 19. The men of Sodom were very aggressive in their homosexual lust, and
sought to sexually ravish visitors to their city. Abraham’s nephew Lot understood the peril that
awaited any strangers who entered Sodom’s gates. When two messengers from Yahweh visited
the city, intending to spend the night in the town square, Lot pressed the men to come stay in his
home for their own safety. The men of Sodom surrounded Lot’s home and demanded that he
send the visitors out so that they could abuse them sexually. The evil reputation of the citizens of