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risk) men." The study found that "the median number of lifetime male sexual partners was
significantly greater for WSW (women who have sex with women) than controls (twelve partners
versus six). WSW were significantly more likely to report more than fifty lifetime male sexual
"Exclusive" Lesbian Relationships Also at Risk. The assumption that lesbians involved in
exclusive sexual relationships are at reduced risk for sexual disease is false. The journal
Sexually Transmitted Infections concludes: "The risk behavior profile of exclusive WSW was
similar to all WSW." One reason for this is because lesbians "were significantly more likely to
report past sexual contact with a homosexual or bisexual man and sexual contact with an IDU
(intravenous drug user)."
Cancer Risk Factors for Lesbians. Citing a 1999 report released by the Institute of Medicine, an
arm of the National Academy of Sciences, the homosexual newspaper The Washington Blade
notes that "various studies on Lesbian health suggest that certain cancer risk factors occur with
greater frequency in this population. These factors include higher rates of smoking, alcohol use,
poor diet, and being overweight." Elsewhere the Blade also reports: "Some experts believe
Lesbians might be more likely than women in general to develop breast or cervical cancer
because a disproportionate number of them fall into high-risk categories."
Sexually Transmitted Diseases Among Lesbians. In a study of the medical records of 1,408
lesbians, the journal Sexually Transmitted Infections found that women who have sexual
relations with women are at significantly higher risk for certain sexually transmitted diseases:
"We demonstrated a higher prevalence of BV (bacterial vaginosis), hepatitis C, and HIV risk
behaviors in WSW as compared with controls."
Compulsive Behavior among Lesbians. A study published in Nursing Research found that
lesbians are three times more likely to abuse alcohol and to suffer from other compulsive
behaviors: "Like most problem drinkers, (91 percent) of the participants had abused other drugs
as well as alcohol, and many reported compulsive difficulties with food (34 percent),
codependency (29 percent), sex (11 percent), and money (6 percent)." In addition, "Forty-six
percent had been heavy drinkers with frequent drunkenness."
The article above goes on to discuss the greater prevalence of violence, mental health problems,
and suicide among homosexuals. It also mentions that homosexual men have a shorter life
expectancy than their heterosexual counterparts. In one major Canadian city, a study revealed
that homosexual males have a life expectancy 8 to 20 years below that of heterosexual males. All
of these facts demonstrate the truth of the apostle Paul’s words, “women exchanged the natural
function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural
function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing
indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.”
Even having fallen under the curse of sin, the creation favors behavior that Yahweh has declared
to be righteous and holy. Sinful behavior increases sickness and leads to early death.