Page 134 - Push Back
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to facilitate the laboring process. They miss important opportunities to work with the rhythms of
               their bodies.

               Epidurals Often Increase Use of Medical Interventions

               Because epidurals disconnect women from the natural pushing action and prolong labor,
               doctors are prone to intervene in the slowed birthing process and may give a pitocin drip (a
               uterine stimulant) or use a vacuum or forceps to move the fetus through the birth canal. In
               addition, fetal monitoring may be necessary to study the fetus’s heart rate. This usually requires
               an instrument to be attached to the baby’s scalp. If there are issues related to the heart beat or
               other complications, a Cesarean-section may be done.

               Although epidural use doesn’t always cause these complications, it does increase the likelihood
               that interventions will be used.

               Breastfeeding is Facilitated

               Research shows babies born through natural childbirth are more alert and show more interest in
               breastfeeding once delivered. Many women don’t realize the pain medication they receive is also
               passed on to their baby. Because of this, many babies are born slightly “drugged” from the pain
               medication. This can interfere with their innate suckling behavior that normally expresses itself
               shortly after birth. It is not unusual for babies, exposed to an epidural, to have difficulty with
               latching on and an uncoordinated suck/swallow response for hours, or even days.

               When videotaped studies of newborn babies have been done, there has been a marked difference
               between those born to mothers who received pain medication and those who didn’t. The fact that
               neither mom, nor baby, is medicated means natural instincts can emerge and the bonding that
               normally manifests between a mother and her baby can take place.

               Natural Childbirth is Often Healthier for Mom and Baby

               Because an epidural slows down labor, a woman is much more likely to be given a pitocin drip
               (uterine stimulant) to speed up contractions. The resulting contractions begin to come on so
               strong and fast that a woman has very little time to recover between them, leaving less oxygen to
               reach the fetus. This could damage the fetus’s brain cells and possibly lead to neurological

               Epidurals in birthing women also increase the chance of fever which increases the likelihood
               antibiotics will be prescribed.

               Faster Recovery Time

               Women who planned natural childbirths often feel great for a short while after delivering their
               babies. Because no numbing drugs were used, and no tubes or needles were stuck into their body
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