Page 29 - Overcoming Addiction
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covering, it is to be understood that all man’s attempts to resolve the problem of
                   sin fall short of God’s approval. As the Scriptures testify:

                          Isaiah 64:6
                          For all of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous
                          deeds  are  like  a  filthy  garment;  and  all  of  us  wither  like  a  leaf,  and  our
                          iniquities, like the wind, take us away.

                         Even the wind could have blown apart the covering Adam and Eve made for
                   themselves. Their covering was as a filthy garment, for it was made by the efforts
                   of sinful man. Sinful man cannot cover themselves with righteousness. Their best
                   attempts, their most righteous deeds, appear spotted and stained in the eyes of a
                   Holy God. Only God could provide an acceptable covering.
                         Adam and Eve were the forebears of the entire human race. They had not
                   had any children yet when they sinned. The Scriptures declare that we were all
                   present in Adam at that moment, for we existed in the form of his seed from which
                   all of mankind would arise. When God made a covering for Adam He symbolically
                   covered  all  of  mankind,  for  we  were  yet  in  Adam.  By  doing  so  Yahweh  was
                   showing that a covering would one day be provided for the sin of the entire human

                          I John 2:1-2
                          If anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Yahshua Christ the
                          righteous; and He Himself is the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours
                          only, but also for those of the whole world.

                         The word propitiation is found four times in the New Testament. There are
                   two different Greek words that are translated into the English word propitiation,
                   but  both  Greek  words  come  from  the  same  root.  These  are  the  Greek  words
                   hilasterion,  and  hilasmos.  I  have  often  looked  up  the  meaning  of  Greek  and
                   Hebrew  words  in  the  reference  work  Strong’s  Exhaustive  Concordance  of  the
                   Bible. In this book we find the following definition for the Greek word hilasterion.

                          an atoning victim, or (specially) the lid of the Ark (in the Temple)

                         This same reference work reveals that this Greek word is translated in two
                   different  ways.  It  is  translated  as  propitiation,  as  well  as  mercy  seat.  When
                   Yahweh  gave  Moses  instructions  for  constructing  the  Tabernacle  in  the
                   wilderness, He also gave him directions for building the Ark of the Covenant. The
                   Ark was a wooden box overlaid with gold, and it had a lid of similar construction
                   that rested upon the top as a covering. This lid is often called The Mercy Seat.
                         I believe the words Mercy Seat are a poor translation, being misleading to
                   most English speaking people. There is no seat upon the top of the ark, there is
                   only a covering, or a lid. The Hebrew word used in the Old Testament which has
                   been  translated  mercy  seat,  actually  indicates  a  cover.  All  things  in  the
                   Tabernacle’s construction are symbolic, and serve as parables for spiritual truth.
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