Page 123 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 123

who have been born to them"). They were given a common heart to put away the
                   unclean thing and become dedicated to the things of the Lord only.
                         Grace and Peace,

                         Michael Shevlane

                   A Parable (Joseph Herrin)

                         The  Lord  opened  my  eyes  to  the  spiritual  similitude  found  in  two
                   conversations  I  had  today  with  men  from  the  rescue  mission.  One  man  was
                   speaking to me about the issue of smoking. He mentioned that about eight years
                   ago he knew he had to quit smoking for it was killing him. He has had a number of
                   heart surgeries and has a defibrillator implanted in his chest. He said that when he
                   quit  smoking  that  he  simply  took  his  pack  of  cigarettes  and  threw  it  away  and
                   made up his mind to never smoke again. He has been faithful to this commitment.
                         This man’s wife is a smoker. She too knows it is detrimental to her health,
                   and she has sought to wean herself off of cigarettes. She has sought to cut back
                   gradually,  and  now  smokes  a  pack  about  every  three  days,  where  she  used  to
                   smoke a pack every day. He declared that he does not believe that she will ever be
                   able to quit.
                         As I listened the Spirit brought application to the matter of the television and
                   movies and other media that His children consume. Many of God’s children are
                   trying  to  wean  themselves  away  from  that  which  is  impure  and  crippling  their
                   spirit  man  by  cutting  back.  However,  they  have  not  put  that  which  is  deadly
                   completely away. Because they have not made a complete separation they remain
                   enslaved, and their spirit man is being steadily poisoned. It would be much easier
                   if they made a complete break from feeding upon these things.
                         Later the same day I was speaking with another man at the Mission, and he
                   abruptly changed the topic to his diet. He knew nothing of that which the Spirit
                   had been speaking to me, so my attention was alerted by the change of topic. He
                   said that he was struggling with eating too much food. He said that he would cook
                   a large amount of food at a time, probably enough for five people, but that by the
                   time he got through eating it had ended up being a single meal. The result was an
                   increase in weight, and all he would want to do after eating was sleep.

                         The parallels to our spiritual man are clearly seen in this. As we feed on the
                   food  of  the  world  we  become  more  fleshly,  and  even  when  we  want  to  show
                   restraint we end up consuming far more than we had intended. The immediate
                   result is a spirit of slumber comes over our inner man. This is a very dangerous
                   condition for any Christian to find himself in during this late hour when spiritual
                   alertness is necessary. In the parable of the ten virgins we find the Lord speaking
                   the following words:
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