Page 119 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 119

notice. I was so busy I didn't even notice the change. It is not just that I no longer
                   smell it. I cannot smell it, no matter how intently I sniff the air.
                         You  see,  our  senses  are  given  to  us  to  warn  us  of  danger,  but  once  the
                   danger  is  accepted  they  automatically  reset  to  a  new  level  of  sensitivity.  The
                   abrupt change in air one experiences in an airplane, sets off the alarm, yet I have
                   driven the same route in an auto over the Grapevine into LA and never noticed
                   the  change  in  the  air.  When  changes  occur  slowly,  the  senses  cannot  detect  it
                   unless we are paying very close attention, constantly sniffing the air for odors.
                         This  situation  is  well  known  as  the  frog  in  the  kettle  syndrome  which
                   demonstrates that if a frog is placed in a kettle of water and gradually raised to
                   a  boil  he  will  die  in  the  water  rather  than  jump  out.  Yet,  he  would  jump  out
                   immediately  if  he  was  thrown  into  water  that  was  slightly  over  100  degrees.
                   Some of you have experienced this getting into a hot Jacuzzi. You have to ease
                   into the water to get used to it.
                         My  point  in  all  this  is  not  to  alarm  you  regarding  breathing  smog,  but
                   rather to point to a threat that is far more dangerous to your soul...
                         God  has  given  us  precise  images,  called  similitudes,  throughout  creation
                   which perfectly represent spiritual truths if we have eyes to see them. And, God
                   provides the sight to those who love, obey and seek Him. In the case of what we
                   are discussing, let  us consider the example of  lung cancer. A cigarette smoker
                   gets a strong warning from his body the first time he takes a puff. If he ignores it,
                   the  body  increasingly  tolerates  the  damage  to  the  lungs  as  it  focuses  on  the
                   pleasure  it  gets  from  the  nicotine.  The  warnings  increase  with  wheezing,
                   coughing up phlegm, and finally cancer of the lung which begins to spread death
                   throughout the lungs and the rest of the body.

                         This physical world example of how the air we breathe can poison our body
                   accurately portrays that which is also invisible in the air that is poisoning our
                   soul. This was powerfully brought home to me at a men's retreat a couple weeks
                   ago.  The  pastor  was  addressing  the  issue  of  the  excuses  we  give  for  not
                   memorizing scripture and asked us to complete the following sentence. "There
                   she goes just a-walkin' down the street …" Most of you are already completing it
                   in your head "singing doo wah, diddy diddy, dum diddy doo." His point was that
                   we memorize things without intending to and we don't even have to know what
                   they mean. Then, he asked us how many of  us could name the twelve  sons  of
                   Israel  or  the  thirty  miracles  of  Christ.  The  difference  is  exposure.  We  absorb
                   what we are exposed to without thinking about it.
                         The truth of this almost knocked me off my chair. I had felt a little sheepish
                   knowing the words to Doo wah, Diddy diddy, but at least that was a song. My
                   sheepishness quickly turned to anger, however, when I realized I had been forced
                   against my will to memorize "Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese,
                   pickles,  onions  on  a  sesame  seed  bun."  By  exposing  my  spiritual  lungs  to  the
                   cultural airways, I have been forced to memorize the ingredients of a Big Mac
                   and I cannot get rid of it no matter how hard I try. It is a part of my soul.

                         Now think of how the "word" of the culture has become a part of you... All
                   these headlines appeared on one day! Friday, June 14, 2002.
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