Page 69 - No Apologies
P. 69

a man give in exchange for his soul?”

                     The Christian woman who chooses college and career because everyone else is doing
               it, or because it appeals to her soul, has fallen short of the will of God. The road to life is a
               path of self-denial. To be a disciple of Christ a man or woman must trade the life they would
               choose for themselves for that life God has chosen. College and career should be pursued
               ONLY if God has given commandment to do so. What will a woman be profited if she gets
               the best education, and lands a great job with good pay and the perks that appeal to her, if
               this is not the course God has chosen for her? Christ says she may gain the whole world and
               yet lose her soul.
                     Many a young woman has chosen college and career due to the excitement and worldly
               promise that such things could bring. Their hearts have been allured by the possibility of
               being financially independent. It is very attractive to the soul to be able to buy the clothes
               and possessions that the world says are indispensable to happiness, to participate in the
               pursuits and entertainments that others are finding so enjoyable. Some women go to college
               hoping to find a husband, for they see having a husband as necessary for their own personal
                     There are many motives that influence the life choices of men and women, yet only
               one motive will earn God’s approval and praise. The woman who seeks first the kingdom
               of God and His righteousness, she shall be praised. The woman who has devoted herself to
               knowing God’s will and doing it will be approved by Him. Whether a woman is a devoted
               wife, mother and homemaker, or is led to work or minister outside the home, she should
               do all at the leading and empowering of the Holy Spirit.
                     The Bible gives examples of women who worked, or ministered, outside of the home.
               Some even accompanied Christ in His ministry, and supported Him from their private

                       Luke 8:1-3
                       Soon  afterwards, He began going around from one city and village  to  another,
                       proclaiming and preaching the kingdom of God. The twelve were with Him, and also
                       some women who had been healed of evil spirits and sicknesses: Mary who was
                       called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, and Joanna the wife of
                       Chuza, Herod's steward, and Susanna, and many others who were contributing to
                       their support out of their private means.

                     If these women were conducting their lives contrary to the will of God the Father,
               certainly Christ would have reproved them. Yet, we find no mention of Christ telling these
               women to return home and attend to their families, or to focus solely on being keepers at
               home. This reveals an important truth of the kingdom of God. There are exceptions to the
               role  of  the  woman  who  remains  at  home.  Nevertheless,  there  is  a  universality  to  the
               inviolable law that all must discern and do the will of the Father. These women had a love
               for Christ. It was the Father’s will and pleasure that they should accompany His Son and
               minister to His needs, and those of His disciples, as they were able.
                     It should be observed that these women were not out on some soulish escapade.
               Following Christ in His journeys and ministry was no lark. These women had seen the
               Savior. They had recognized who He was, and their hearts longed to give back to Him
               through whatever service He would accept and they could provide. Yahshua accepted this
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