Page 67 - No Apologies
P. 67

years unto. Just the art of baking bread, or being a skilled seamstress, are areas in which
               a person may continually advance as their knowledge and skill increases. For the woman
               who would take on the healthcare of her family, the field of naturopathic medicine is vast.
               Learning the medicinal and health promoting value of herbs, plants, and natural remedies
               is an immense field of learning. Great harm has been brought to millions of families as the
               children consume soda pop, loads of sugar, chemicals and heavily refined foods, and then
               are diagnosed as having an attention deficit disorder and are put on mind altering drugs like
               Ritalin. Do not women bear some responsibility for abandoning their role as the nutritional
               supervisors of their homes?
                     The church should be the chief guardian of the home, and of those God assigned
               family values and traditions. Yet, the church has given itself to the pursuit of the same
               passions and desires as the world. The family has been abandoned. The nuclear family,
               where life is centered in the home, has been neglected. In the time that families are home,
               the children are often playing video games, listening to worldly music, or the family is being
               mesmerized by the television and Internet. The entire family is sick morally, spiritually, and
               physically. By one family member, the wife and mother, abandoning that calling God has
               given  her,  trading it  for  the  allure  of  the  world  and  a  career outside the  home,  great
               devastation has resulted.
                     (Please note that I believe men have equally transgressed, and bear even greater
               responsibility in God’s eyes because of their position of headship. However, this book is
               written for the instruction and admonishment of the woman who aspires to godliness. She
               can do much to restore her family to spiritual and natural health by giving herself to
               apprehending and fulfilling the will of God for her life.)
                     The Bible consistently reveals God’s purpose for the woman as a homemaker. Even
               as the woman is absolutely vital to reproduction, for the man cannot bear children by
               himself, so too is the woman’s role in homemaking irreplaceable. Man needs a helper.
               Yahweh declared this to be true, and He fashioned the woman to be man’s helper. The title
               of  “helper”  seems  inadequate  to  describe  all  the  ways  in  which  the  woman  renders
               assistance to man. All of mankind suffers when the woman fails to apprehend and fulfill
               Yahweh’s purpose for her life. May Yahweh raise up a remnant among women who will
               demonstrate a spirit of excellence and zeal in seeking to fulfill the role for which they were
                     Dare  to  be  different.  When  the  world  is  showing  great  scorn  for  the  role  of  the
               homemaker, let the godly woman by her attitude and example reveal the wisdom and
               blessing that results from embracing the role for which Yahweh created her.
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