Page 65 - No Apologies
P. 65

still  night  and  gives  food  to  her  household  and  portions  to  her  maidens.  She
                       considers a field and buys it; From her earnings she plants a vineyard.

                     These verses reveal the woman’s involvement in every aspect of food preparation in
               the same way that she was involved in every aspect of manufacturing clothing for her
               household. The woman would choose a field,  plant it, harvest the crops, and prepare
               wholesome and savory dishes for her family. The godly woman worked with her hands, and
               was not idle.

                       Proverbs 31:27, 31
                       She looks well to the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness...
                       Give her the product of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates.

                     As society has been changing, and women have abandoned the home to seek outside
               employment, that work formerly done by the woman has been delegated to others. Women
               have less time at home, so they look for shortcuts. They buy clothing already made for
               themselves and their families. If they do cook at home, they often purchase prepared, or
               partially prepared foods such as baked breads, and Hamburger Helper. The nutritional
               value of these products is vastly  deficient from those whole  foods that were formerly
               prepared by women who were keepers at home. The result is seen in a myriad of health
               problems among family members.
                     The nutritional value found in home baked breads that are made with freshly ground
               whole grains is vastly superior to the loaf of prepared bread one will find at the grocery
               store. I know from personal experience that there is a lot to learn to educate oneself in the
               preparation of healthy, nutritious and satisfying foods. I have discerned the difference in
               my own health as I have abandoned the Standard American Diet (SAD) and have returned
               to cooking my meals from scratch. I make my own soups, bake some of my own breads, and
               have eliminated the highly processed foodstuffs that used to make up the bulk of my diet.
                     Another  realm  of  responsibility  for  the  homemaker  is  providing  healthcare. The
               woman has long been involved in acting as nurse and chief health proponent of the family.
               This is closely related to her role in food preparation. Hippocrates, the Greek physician
               from whom the Hippocratic oath is derived, said, “Let food be your medicine, and medicine
               be your food.” There is a wealth of naturopathic remedies for sickness and injuries. God has
               provided mankind with plants and  herbs for  healing. Women used to pass along this
               knowledge from generation to generation.
                     Many women have also abandoned child rearing. Many women are employed when
               they become pregnant, and take only a few weeks off from work after bearing their child.
               Children are left in the care of daycare facilities, babysitters, or nannies while the mother
               works outside the home. The age in which children enter public school has been dropping
               as the government provides earlier programs for children with kindergarten, and pre-
               kindergarten programs. The mother has given over the role of educating the children to
               hired “professionals,” and the results are tragic for both the parents and the children. It has
               ever been God’s order for parents to take personal responsibility for the training and
               education of their children.

                       Proverbs 1:8
                       Hear, my son, your father's instruction and do not forsake your mother's teaching...
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