Page 56 - No Apologies
P. 56

and Christ’s deep love for him.

                       John 19:26-27
                       When Yahshua then saw His mother, and the disciple whom He loved standing
                       nearby, He said to His mother, "Woman, behold, your son!" Then He said to the
                       disciple, "Behold, your mother!" From that hour the disciple took her into his own

                     Does it not speak volumes about the value of women in the eyes of God that one of
               Christ’s last acts was to appoint John as the caretaker of His mother? Was it not love that
               drove Him to look past His own suffering, and feel the pain of the sword that pierced His
               mother’s heart.
                     That women are greatly valued in the eyes of God is further attested to in the fact that
               the purest religion is described in the following manner.

                       James 1:27
                       Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit
                       orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the

                     Yahweh has great compassion for women. The widow is ever before His sight. Yahweh
               does not love women any less because they were created “for man.” He does not see them
               as  of  less  worth  than  man  because  they  are  called  to  subject  themselves.  Yahweh’s
               government, and His grace are two separate systems.
                     The Bible describes the woman as “weaker” than the man (I Peter 3:7). Does it not
               move the heart with compassion to see those who are weak persevering, overcoming their
               fears, and going where those much stronger than they are unwilling to go? I am sure the ten
               male disciples of Christ who were absent at His crucifixion later rued the fact that they were
               not present when John and a group of women were. Did it not move the heart of God the
               Father to know that these women were present to provide solace and comfort to His Son
               in His hour of suffering? I do not doubt that a great reward awaits them.
                     In the days that followed the crucifixion, the women continued to be subject to men.
               Christ  did  not  appoint  any  women  to  be  apostles,  or  leaders  in  the  church.  The
               governmental order of man being the head of woman continued. At the same time, the
               system of grace continued. Women were present in the upper room on Pentecost when the
               Holy Spirit was given. They became partakers of the Spirit of Christ the same as the men.
               Women are assured that in the resurrection they will receive inheritance along with men.
               Many who are the last, the lowest, and the least in this world will be first in the age to come.
               Such is the marvelous grace of our Father.
                     Sisters in Christ, there are men in this age who will judge with wicked motives. There
               are men who will act unjustly. Many will confuse authority with a person’s worth. Those
               who are humble will be taken advantage of. Take comfort in knowing that God sees all
               things. He weighs the hearts. His eyes roam to and fro throughout the earth that He might
               strongly support those whose hearts are wholly His (II Chronicles 16:9). Will He not give
               much grace to those who are lightly esteemed in this age, yet serve with faithfulness and
                     In the age to come I am convinced that many women who were unknown to the world
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