Page 53 - No Apologies
P. 53

well-pleasing, not argumentative, not pilfering, but showing all good faith so that
                       they will adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in every respect.

                     Does God view those who are the last in this age as of lesser worth than those who are
               first? Absolutely not. If a man or woman proves themselves faithful in service to God and
               others they will be approved by Yahweh and honored in the age to come. Joseph’s life
               provides a type and testimony of this truth. Joseph was sold into slavery in Egypt. Joseph’s
               enslavement was unfair. His brothers had sold him due to jealousy. Nevertheless, Joseph
               proved himself to be a faithful servant seeking the welfare of his master. No one was more
               faithful than Joseph, and his master promoted him.
                     When Joseph was falsely accused of trying to rape his master’s wife, he was cast into
               prison. Now he was as low as a man could possibly go. He was not a free man. He was a
               slave. Yet, he was less than a slave. He was a slave in prison. Joseph had been doubly
               abased, but even in the prison he manifested an excellent spirit and everything he did
               prospered. After years of patient and humble service Yahweh placed great honor upon
               Joseph. He was promoted to the right hand of Pharaoh.
                     Joseph’s life serves as a parable for all those who would receive promotion and honor
               at Yahweh’s hands. If we prove ourselves faithful as servants, the day will come when we
               receive great honor. The woman should consider the call to serve her husband a great
               opportunity to exhibit that humility and faithfulness that is pleasing to God. Yahweh has
               told the woman what His will is. The way before her is clearly marked. Those who manifest
               an excellent spirit in serving their husband, continuously seeking his welfare, will receive
               a glorious inheritance and great honor in the ages to come. There will be no distinction at
               that time between male or female, slave or free, Jew or Gentile.

                       Galatians 3:26-29
                       For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Yahshua. For all of you who were
                       baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor
                       Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you
                       are all one in Christ Yahshua. And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's
                       descendants, heirs according to promise.

                     Notice the word “heirs” again in this passage. Many have misapplied these words,
               suggesting that Paul is negating all differences between the sexes. This is not so. Paul is
               speaking of inheritance, not governmental order. Paul is declaring that God sees all men
               and women the same when it comes to inheritance. All may prove themselves worthy of
               Christ’s inheritance in the saints.
                     Those who contend that Paul was negating any differences in gender roles with the
               preceding  words  are  doing  violence  to  the  Scriptures.  They  are  ignoring  Paul’s  many
               instructions to women in the church to subject themselves to men. If Paul is stating here
               that women need not subject themselves to men, then he must also be saying that servants
               need not subject themselves to their masters. Not only did Paul declare in the third chapter
               of Galatians that there is neither male nor female, he also said there is neither slave nor
               free. Paul, however, is speaking of inheritance in Christ. He is not giving a teaching on the
               proper attitude to have toward government. He addressed the subject of government in
               other passages.
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