Page 52 - No Apologies
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practice conformity to  Christ as they learn how  to  humble  themselves under divinely
               appointed authority, and to demonstrate the gentle and meek nature of Christ as they
               exercise authority over others.
                     It will often happen that a person under authority is found faithful and pleasing to the
               Father even while the one who rules over them is disobedient. This does not cause the one
               under authority to be disadvantaged. In truth, they have more opportunity to demonstrate
               faith and obedience to God as they bear up patiently when suffering unjustly. A woman
               should never declare that she will be a submissive wife only when her husband gets his act
               together. I have heard numerous women say that they will honor their husbands when they
               begin to act honorably. This is great error. It is the will of Christ that servants prove
               themselves faithful when they have wicked masters, and that wives remain chaste and
               respectful when they have disobedient husbands. As they do so, the wives can gain great
               favor with God even while their husbands are heaping up judgment upon themselves.
                     The apostle Peter declared that women are “fellow heirs of the grace of life.” The word
               “heirs” reveals that Peter is speaking of inheritance. In the Law women did not receive an
               inheritance with the men. If a man had sons and daughters, the land of his forefathers was
               to be passed onto his sons. His daughters were not to receive an inheritance in this way. The
               only exception was when a man had no sons. Then the man’s property went to his daughters
               (Numbers 27:1-8).
                     When it came to inheritance, the Law treated women no differently than slaves. Slaves
               did not receive an inheritance in the land of Israel, neither could a Gentile. Only male
               descendants of Abraham received the promised land as an inheritance.
                     The apostle Paul declared that in Christ the rules of inheritance have changed. In the
               kingdom of God all may share an inheritance with Christ. In the third chapter of Galatians
               Paul establishes this truth. Both at this time, and in the age to come, men and women, slave
               and free, Jew and Gentile, can all be accounted as heirs of the grace of life that is found in
               Christ. When the subject of inheritance comes up, Yahweh makes no distinction based upon
               gender, societal status, or natural descent. The Law does not determine who will inherit the
               promises of God in Christ.

                       Galatians 3:18
                       For if the inheritance is based on law, it is no longer based on a promise...

                     As Christians, me must not confuse a person’s status in this life with their worthiness
               in the eyes of God. Christ declared that many who are first at this time will be last in the age
               to come, and many who are last now will be first in the resurrection of the dead (Luke
               13:30). A person’s status in the age to come is dependent upon whether they walked humbly
               and faithfully before God and man in this age. Many servants cannot escape their servitude,
               but neither do they accept it with grace. Similarly, many women do not accept their role as
               helper to their husband with grace. Those who manifest complaint, murmuring, rebellion,
               clamor, envy, and discontent will not only be last in this age, but in the age to come as well.
                     Yahweh’s  instruction  to  wives  and  to  servants  are  the  same.  Even  as  wives  are
               exhorted to be subject to their own husbands in everything, servants are commanded to be
               subject to their masters.

                       Titus 2:9-10
                       Urge  bondslaves  to  be  subject  to  their  own  masters  in  everything,  to  be
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