Page 49 - No Apologies
P. 49

direct generation of the Father. All other things came through Christ. Paul says of Christ,
               “all things were created through Him and for Him.” As man was created through Christ and
               for Christ, we see the parallel truth in Scripture that woman was created through man, and
               for man.

                     •        Christ came forth out of the Father.
                     •        Man came forth through Christ.
                     •        Woman was taken out of man.

                     •        Christ has God as head.
                     •        Man has Christ as head.
                     •        Woman has man as head.

                     The parallels continue. We previously read Christ’s declaration that He came to do the
               Father’s will. Similarly, man was created to do Christ’s will, and woman was formed to do
               man’s will, being created “for man.” The woman is instructed to obey her husband as the
               man is instructed to obey Christ.
                     A clear pattern emerges as we look at the testimony of Scriptures. Christ modeled
               before the creation what is pleasing to the Father. Having the Father as His head, Christ laid
               down His life that He might do the will of the Father. Christ did not consider equality with
               God something to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bondservant. Man
               is to follow this pattern as he humbles himself before Christ, laying down his life to embrace
               the life of Christ. The pattern is completed as the woman humbles herself, taking man as
               head, laying aside her life to embrace the life of her husband.
                     As a man, I have fallen short of the perfection of Christ in many ways. Christ NEVER
               did anything of His own initiative. I have done much of my own initiative. Christ did not
               seek His own will, but I have often sought my own will. Christ ALWAYS did the will of the
               Father, but I have often chosen my will over the will of Christ. James declared, “For we all
               stumble in many ways” (James 3:2). John echoed this saying when he wrote, “If we say that
               we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us” (I John 1:8).
                     Observing the patience Christ has demonstrated toward me, I choose to be patient
               with others. The saying is true, “By the judgment you have judged others, you will be
               judged, and by the measure you mete to others it will be measured unto you.” The saying
               is also true, “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy,” and “judgment shall be
               merciless to the one who has shown no mercy.” I would not judge my sisters in Christ for
               their failings any harsher than I would judge myself for my failings. If we are humble in
               acknowledging our failings, we will learn to be gentle, patient, and merciful toward others.
                     At the same time, I must always point to the standard before us which is Christ. He
               was perfect, and He has commanded us to be perfect (Matthew 5:48). We are to aim for
               nothing less. We are always to strive toward the mark of the high calling of God in Christ
                     The pride of life would lead men and women to grasp for equality. Man wants to
               partner with Christ, and woman wants to partner with man. Christ, however, shows us what
               is pleasing to God. Christ humbled Himself. He set aside His soul’s desires to do the will of
               the Father. Christ accepted God as His Head and as His Lord. Man must take Christ as Head
               and Lord, and woman must take man as head and lord. In each instance the soul must be
               crushed as unto death. All who would follow in Christ’s steps must hate their own life.
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