Page 42 - No Apologies
P. 42

Dissolving the Marriage Partnership

                     There is great power in words. George Orwell, in his classic book 1984, gives a chilling
               depiction of a government manipulating minds by exerting control over words spoken and
               written. Words give rise to ideas in the minds of men. By advocating that certain words be
               used and others suppressed, minds can be influenced, or controlled.
                     Mankind is aware of the power of words. I have been angered on occasion as I have
               read of the despotic Orwellian practices of the United States court systems. I have read of
               numerous cases where abortion issues came before the court. Whether the court was
               sentencing abortion protestors, or ruling on the legality of various abortion procedures,
               they have sought to influence the outcome by dictating the language that could be used. I
               have read of judges banning certain words from being spoken in court such as “baby,”
               “unborn child,” “infant,” and “murder.” It has been mandated at times that the baby in the
               womb be referred to as a “fetus,” or “fetal material.” By proscribing what words could be
               used, the judge was able to shape opinion and arrive at a ruling in favor of the abortionists.
                     The media employs similar tactics by describing abortion advocates as “pro-choice”
               while labeling defenders of human life as “anti-abortion.” Those who defend the lives of the
               unborn prefer the positive descriptor “pro-life.” By disallowing this term, and choosing the
               negative prefix “anti” to describe pro-life advocates, the media is able to influence thought.
               The term pro-choice, although it is advocating the careless murder of the unborn, appears
               positive, while the term anti-abortion evokes a negative image.
                     I have recently been led to ponder the words “marriage partner.” The word partner
               has become ubiquitous, being employed  wherever the marriage union of the man and his
               wife is spoken of today. Even among Christians, the word partner is used commonly to refer
               to one’s spouse. This word never appears in Scripture when the relationship between
               husband and wife is mentioned. I can only surmise that it is the cunning of the great
               deceiver that has led to this word’s adoption.
                     Consider what the word partner implies. A partner is a person who shares, or is
               associated, with another in some action or endeavor. Common synonyms for the word
               partner are “sharer, associate, collaborator.” The word partner is very frequently associated
               with the realm of business. To be a partner in a firm indicates that a person has achieved
               a certain status. No longer are they merely an employee. Now they have authority and the
               perks that go along with it.
                     Although there are various aspects of the word partner that can be rightfully applied
               to marriage, it is the overall image that is evoked that is cause for concern. By referring to
               one’s spouse as their marriage partner there is an implicit assertion of equality of roles, of
               shared authority, and the combining of the husband’s and wife’s individual goals and
               dreams into one corporate vision. On the surface this sounds not only reasonable, but
               highly desirable. God’s ways, however, are not man’s ways.
                     Let us look at the very beginning of God’s thought for the marriage relationship. In
               Genesis chapter two we read:

                       Genesis 2:18
                       Then Yahweh God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a
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