Page 34 - No Apologies
P. 34

Revelation 17:16-17
                       And the ten horns which you saw on the beast, these will hate the harlot, make her
                       desolate and naked, eat her flesh and burn her with fire.

                     What  kind  of  beast  do  people  ride  upon?  The  most  common  animal  used  for
               transportation is the horse. Does not the life of Jezebel provide a great parallel to the harlot
               of Revelation in that Jezebel was trampled by horses?

                       II Kings 9:33
                       So they threw her down, and some of her blood was sprinkled on the wall and on the
                       horses, and he trampled her under foot.

                     Yet, there is a connection to another type of beast in the deaths of Jezebel and the
               Great  Harlot.  These  beasts  are  dogs.  John  writes  that  the  beast  will  make  the  harlot
               “desolate and naked, and eat her flesh.” After Jezebel was cast down and trampled by
               horses,  the  dogs  came  and  consumed  her  flesh.  Certainly  Yahweh  seeks  to  convey
               something through these details. Both dogs and horses are considered unclean animals by
               God for they do not meet the dual criteria of chewing the cud and having a split hoof. Yet
               man has trained both of these unclean animals and made them his servants.
                     So too has the Jezebel spirit sought to take that which is unclean and cause it to
               submit to her service. The Jezebel spirit seeks to make the flesh the instrument for fulfilling
               all desires. The flesh, however, is not to be trusted. It can be wielded to some effect, but
               never truly tamed. It is inherently unclean. It will rise up at the end and destroy the one
               who looks to the flesh to accomplish their purposes.
                     This is a note of caution for all women who seek to use the flesh to get what they
               desire. Sisters in Christ, do not resort to fleshly methods to get your way in your marriage,
               or any other realm of life. Though you may have success for a season, in the end the beast
               nature will bite you. Do not usurp authority that belongs to another. Humble yourself that
               God might exalt you in due time. Those who exalt themselves will be cast down by the
               power of God.
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