Page 33 - No Apologies
P. 33

Matthew 7:11
                       "If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much
                       more will your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him!”

                     There is no admonition, or pattern anywhere in the Scriptures, where the saints are
               instructed to pray to Mary. In the Roman Catholic Church we find a religion where the
               Jezebel spirit reigns even in the heavens. Mary is elevated to the role of God the Father. She
               becomes the one to whom all men and women make supplication. Prayers to God the Father
               are replaced with prayers to Mary, which is an act of usurpation.
                     It should be no surprise that the emasculating effects the Jezebel spirit has upon men
               are on prominent display in the Roman Catholic Church. This false religion insists that her
               priests remain celibate. They are forbidden to marry, or procreate. Without physically
               castrating the men, the Roman Catholic Church has forced them to live as eunuchs. Thus
               we see that a religion that elevates the woman to a position Yahweh did not assign to her
               will  unman  men.  The  repression  these  men  experience  in  turn  leads  many  to  open
               themselves up to homosexual spirits. In the recent spate of scandals that have been exposed
               among  the  Roman  Catholic  Church,  the  prevailing  transgression  (which  was  very
               widespread) was male priests having sexual relations with boys. The Spirit of Jezebel drives
               men away from the natural desire to be intimate with the woman.
                     The  depiction  of  Mystery  Babylon,  the  Great  Harlot  of  the  book  of  Revelation,
               provides an apt description of the Roman Catholic Church. She is pictured as a woman who
               rules, and who slays the people of Yahweh. This is what Jezebel did.

                       Revelation 17:3-6
                       So he carried me away in the Spirit into the wilderness. And I saw a woman sitting
                       on a scarlet beast which was full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten
                       horns. The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and
                       precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and
                       the  filthiness  of  her  fornication.  And  on  her  forehead  a  name  was  written:
                       ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the
                       saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Yahshua.

                     The Roman Catholic Church is all about appearances. Observe the glorious manner
               in which the Pope, Cardinals, Bishops, and other church functionaries adorn themselves.
               They are clothed in purple and scarlet, and many precious things. Yet inwardly, they are full
               of uncleanness. The abominations and the filthiness of her fornication cannot remain
               hidden. The transgressions of the Roman Catholic Church continue to be exposed in these
               days as scandal after scandal comes to light revealing a historical pattern of cruel, vile, and
               immoral behavior. This is what follows when the Jezebel spirit rules over men.
                     Sisters  in  Christ,  please  meditate  on  these  things.  It  is  very  important  that  you
               understand the consequences of taking to yourself the leadership role God has given to
               man. Do not let the spirit of Jezebel inspire and direct your actions. Humble yourself.
               Accept that position of service Yahweh has appointed to you. Yahweh gives grace to the
               humble, but He resists the proud. The judgment of the Great Harlot is as severe as the
               judgment of Jezebel millennia ago. The Harlot is described as sitting on a scarlet beast. Yet,
               it will be this beast that is the instrument of her judgment.
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