Page 21 - No Apologies
P. 21

Jezebel and Sensuality

                     It is fitting that a teaching on godly womanhood provide some instruction on the topic
               of a woman’s dress and external appearance. The Bible has a significant amount to say on
               the subject. Some years ago I was led to meditate upon the following questions:

                     Seeing that Christ’s disciples are described as “aliens and strangers” in this world,
               should not their outward appearance provide testimony that they are part of the Kingdom
               of God, and have been translated out of the kingdom of this world which lies in the power
               of the evil one? Knowing that Christ testified repeatedly that He never did anything of His
               own initiative, but that He always did the will of the Father, I wanted to know whether
               Yahweh has a specific desire for the appearance of His children.
                     Would walking by the Spirit lead a man, or woman, to dress differently, and to appear
               differently than those in the world around them? The world does not seek the mind of
               Christ in matters of dress and appearance, but the saints of God ought to do so. Is it not
               likely that those led by the Spirit of Christ, and those led by their souls under the influence
               of this fallen world system, would arrive at very recognizable differences?

                     At the time, I was primarily considering these things as they related to the man.
               Christians are not encouraged to ponder such things today. Most make their daily life
               decisions independently of the Holy Spirit. They dress as their parents taught them to do,
               or as their peers have influenced them to do. They are influenced by current fashion,
               advertising, and the media, but rarely consider whether God has an opinion in the matter.
               As  I  contemplated  these things  I  became convinced that  God  did have  a  specific  will
               regarding my outward dress and appearance.
                     In the Old Testament we find the following instructions in the Law.

                       Deuteronomy 22:5
                       A woman shall not wear man's clothing, nor shall a man put on a woman's clothing;
                       for whoever does these things is an abomination to Yahweh your God.

                     The  spirit  behind  this  command  seems  to  be  that  it  is  God’s  will  that  gender
               distinctions should be maintained between the dress of men and women. It is not the will
               of Yahweh that men make themselves appear effeminate, nor that women make themselves
               appear masculine. I considered my clothing, and felt confident that I was conforming to the
               spirit of God’s commandment. No one had ever accused me of dressing like a woman, but
               what about other aspects of my appearance?
                     The Bible also has somewhat to say about a man’s hair.

                       I Corinthians 11:14-15
                       Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a dishonor to
                       him, but if a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her?

                     Oftentimes today one sees depictions of Christ that portray him as having long hair
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