Page 98 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 98

“Note how many of the astronauts themselves are Brother Masons: Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr.; L. Gordon
               Cooper, Jr.; Donn F. Eisle; Walter M. Schirra; Thomas P. Stafford; Edgar D. Mitchell, and Paul
               J. Weitz... Astronaut Gordon Cooper, during his epochal Gemini V spaceflight in August of 1965,
               carried with him an official Thirty-third Degree Jewel and a Scottish Rite flag. Via the lunar plaque,
               the Masonic ensignia and flag, and the Masonic astronauts themselves - Masonry already is in the
               space age. Can we doubt Freemasonry and its spiritual relevance to the modern era when even its
               material  representatives  have  today  made  historic  inroads  into  the  infinite  expanses  of  outer

               Brothers and sisters, when one discerns the level of authority and influence wielded by men at NASA
               with deep allegiances to Freemasonry, we can begin to discern the esoteric meanings of many of the
               events of the Apollo Space Program. That which passes by the average person as merely a detail of
               insignificance, is in fact imbued with deep importance to the initiates and adepts of Freemasonry.
               From the offering by fire of three human lives to initiate the Apollo Space Program, to the first step
               of mankind on the surface of the Moon on a Monday, the weekday dedicated to the worship of the
               Moon deity, everything followed the Luciferian plan which was formed in the mind of the fallen
               angel who rules as “the god of this world” and “the prince of the power of the air.” When Neil
               Armstrong spoke the first words from the surface of the Moon announcing “The eagle has landed,”
               a Masonic script was being played out. The eagle was not that which the common people were
               misled to envision, a symbol of the United States of America. Rather, it was the Masonic eagle,
               which is in fact a disguised Phoenix, the symbol of Satan who was cast down to the Earth in fire, but
               arose from the ashes of destruction to rule once more.

               Phoenix Freemasonry

               Robert Lomas provides further insight into the symbolic importance of the Moon to Freemasons.

               The Moon is an important inspirational symbol in Freemasonry and is described by the ritual as one
               of the three lesser lights that guide the path of a candidate for Masonic truth...

               Q: What do these three lesser lights represent?
               A: The Sun, Moon, and Master of the Lodge.

               Q: Why the Sun, Moon, and Master?
               A: The Sun to rule the day, the Moon to govern the night, and the Master to rule and direct his
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