Page 97 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 97

Satanic principle “As above, so below.” Satan is figured by his worshipers as one who brings light
               to a darkened world, thus the Moon has become a symbol of his role as an illuminator of darkened

               Baphomet is the god of Freemasonry, and the Moon is a sacred image of Freemasonry. In the book
               The Secret Power of Masonic Symbols, author Robert Lomas relates the important role the Moon
               plays as a symbol for Freemasons. In chapter nine of his book, titled How Symbols and Mankind
               Took a Great Leap Together, Lomas mentions the prevalence of Freemasons in high positions within
               NASA, and the importance of Moon symbology to them.

               It is no coincidence that the first man on the Moon was the son of a Freemason and the second, an
               active Freemason. The vice president who recommended to President Kennedy to commit the United
               States to reaching the Moon was a Freemason, the administrator of the Apollo Moon Landing
               Program was a Freemason, and the manager of the Apollo  Program Command and Services
               Modules was a Freemason...

               John F. Kennedy was not a Freemason... But his vice president, Lyndon B. Johnson, was initiated
               on October 30, 1937, in Johnson City Lodge No. 561 in Johnson City, Texas... Edwin Webb, the
               Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) from 1961-1968, was
               a member of University Lodge No. 408 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Kenneth S. Kleinknecht,
               manager of the Apollo Command and Services Modules, was a member of Fairview Lodge No. 699
               in Fairview, Ohio. Neil Armstrong, Sr., the father of Neil Armstrong, the first man on the Moon, was
               an officer of the Grand Lodge of Ohio. Edwin E. “Buzz” Aldrin, the co-pilot of Apollo 11, and the
               second man on the Moon, is a member of Clear Lake Lodge No. 1417 in Seabrook, Texas.
               [End Excerpt]

               We can observe from these words that the Apollo Space Program was populated in key positions
               with men who had pledged their loyalty with oaths and dire imprecations to Freemasonry. However,
               these words from Robert Lomas do not fully declare the extent of involvement these men had with
               Freemasonry. Buzz Aldrin was a 32  degree Freemason at the time of the Apollo 11 Moon Project.
               James Edwin Webb, the 2  administrator of NASA, and the man who helmed this government
               agency during the critical years of the Apollo Space program from 1961-1968, was a 33  degree
               Freemason. Kenneth Kleinknecht, the manager of the parts of the Apollo program most related to
               the Astronauts, was also a 33  degree Freemason, and his brother Christian Frederick Kleinknecht
               held a high position at The House of the Temple and would eventually become the Sovereign Grand
               Commander for all Scottish Rite Freemasonry in North America. This is the highest position in
               Scottish Rite Freemasonry, the same position occupied by Albert Pike in the 1800s.

               Writing later in the same chapter of his book, Robert Lomas states the following.

               In November 1969, New Age Magazine (which is now known as Scottish Rite Journal) published a
               special edition celebrating the success of Project Apollo and praising the Masons involved in its
               success. Writing in that issue, brother Kenneth Kleinknecht, the manager of the Apollo Program
               Command and Services Modules and also a Project Mercury member of Fairview Lodge No. 699,
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