Page 80 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 80


               In order to successfully pull off a deception, two things are required. Not only must an illusion be
               presented as truth, the truth must also be hidden lest the lie be revealed. One of the common
               arguments set forth in opposition to claims that NASA faked the Moon landings is that it would have
               been impossible for so many people who worked on the Apollo space program to keep a deception
               secret. It is estimated that several hundred thousand people were engaged in various roles within
               NASA and its contractors during the years of the Moon project’s development and execution.

               On the surface, such an argument appears rational, for as more people are privy to a secret the
               chances of the secret being outed rises. It is untenable to believe that hundreds of thousands of
               individuals could preserve the truth of a massive hoax being carried out for such a long period of
               time. The argument of the naysayers, however, is flawed. Although there were large numbers of
               people who worked on the Apollo project in various capacities, the vast majority of these individuals
               saw only a very small part of the project. An employee of a company contracted to fabricate the
               boots worn by the astronauts, or the bolts needed to construct the lunar module, would have no need
               to be informed of a conspiracy being carried out by an inner group. Of the several hundred thousand
               individuals who worked on the Apollo program, no more than a couple hundred individuals need
               ever know about the deception, for tasks were compartmentalized.

               At the same time it would be untenable to suggest, in a deception as massive as the Apollo Moon
               missions, that there would not be leaks as people became aware of the lies and deceptions being
               carried out. There are people of integrity who cannot be bribed or bullied into joining a work they
               deem to be dishonest and immoral. Consequently, those in charge of the deception must be prepared
               to deal with the whistleblowers in order to preserve the illusion they are creating. Unknown to the
               majority of the populace is the fact that whistleblowers existed, and were silenced, during the years
               of the Apollo  program. The  evidence is  quite  compelling.  Tens of billions  of dollars and the
               reputations of powerful men were at stake. People have been murdered for far less.

               On January 27, 1967 a fire broke out inside the lunar command module for Apollo 1 as the three
               astronauts Virgil (Gus) Grissom, Ed White, and Roger Chaffee were inside running a simulation.
               The door of the module had been sealed. Per standard operating procedure at the time, the cabin was
               flooded with pure oxygen. Fire is defined as “rapid oxidation.” When presented with a source of pure
               oxygen a fire will rage with explosive fury. These three astronauts died within 15 seconds of the time
               they first reported a fire in the capsule. An investigation was called for by Congress. The results of
               that investigation were inconclusive, suggesting only that a bare wire may have arced initiating the
               fire in the capsule.
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