Page 79 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 79

Amelia Brand: But why not tell people? Why keep it from us?
               Dr. Mann: Because he knew how hard it would be to get people to work together to save the species
               instead of themselves. Or their children... (Speaking to Cooper) You never would have come here
               unless you believed you were gonna save them. Evolution has yet to transcend that simple barrier.
               We can care deeply, selflessly about those we know. But that empathy rarely extends beyond our line
               of sight.
               Amelia Brand: But the lie? That monstrous lie?
               Dr. Mann: Unforgivable. And he knew that. He was prepared to destroy his own humanity, in order
               to save the species, he made an incredible sacrifice.

               We find in this exchange a demonstration of the rationale of an “enlightened minority” who employ
               deception in order to manufacture consent and obtain the cooperation of those whom they consider
               to be less enlightened. Dr. Mann is unapologetic about the use of deception, describing it merely as
               what was necessary to insure the continuation of the human species. He further describes Dr. Brand,
               who in the movie is the head of NASA, and the one who made the decision to deceive others, as
               being heroic, having “made an incredible sacrifice.” No doubt, similar ploys and arguments were
               used to gain the cooperation of the men and women who were key players in the Apollo Moon

               One can only speculate regarding what date the powers-that-be have chosen in which to acknowledge
               the lie which was carried out upon the public in the Apollo program. Yet, as disciples of Christ we
               need not wait for liars and deceivers to admit their actions. Christopher Nolan appears to have given
               indication of the need to be both perceptive and to investigate all matters thoroughly, for one of the
               astronauts in the movie has the last name of Doyle, and on the bookshelves in Murphy’s room the
               camera shows us a shot of a book on Sherlock Holmes, the highly skilled sleuth which Sir Arthur
               Conan Doyle made famous.

               Doyle and Brand

               Those who are Christians need not rely only on their rational capabilities to arrive at truth. We have
               been given the Spirit of Christ to guide us.

               John 16:13
               When he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth...
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