Page 75 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 75

Large publishing companies, like Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, produce school textbooks, and they
               are most certainly promoting the globalists false view of the world to students. These “educational”
               textbook suppliers are deeply tied in with the transnational corporate powers and consequently must
               be viewed as their instruments to promote whatever agenda the globalist leaders desire.

               Ms. Hanley states, “I believe it was a brilliant piece of propaganda, that the Soviets bankrupted
               themselves.” This explanation given by Ms. Hanley is itself a feint within a feint, or a deception
               within a deception. Even when the government admits the Apollo Moon landings were faked, being
               brilliantly executed propaganda, they still present a lying explanation regarding the motive for the
               ruse. In actuality, both the Soviets and the Americans were financed by the same international
               bankers. Both nations shared technology. Both nations presented a disingenuous view of the Cold
               War and the Space Race to the public in order to justify huge military and government expenditures.
               These narratives served as a pretense to wrest vast amounts of money, labor, and national resources
               and place them into the hands of global corporations.

               One last thing I would comment on regarding the dialogue in this clip from the film is that Cooper
               was formerly a NASA employee, yet he appears ignorant of the hoax perpetrated by NASA. I believe
               this is a reflection of the truth, for only a small core group at NASA would need to know that the
               Apollo Moon landings were faked. The time-line of the movie furthermore places Cooper’s tenure
               with NASA more than 60 years after the Apollo program, so he would not have been a direct
               participant in the program.

               Aside from this overt declaration of the Apollo Moon landings having been faked, the movie
               Interstellar  is  rife  with  more  subtle  cues  proclaiming  this  same  truth.  The  movie  opens  with
               Cooper’s family having breakfast together at their farmhouse. Some physical phenomenon has been
               occurring in Cooper’s ten year old daughter’s room causing books to fall from the bookshelves onto
               the floor. On this particular morning, a model of the Apollo lunar lander was also knocked onto the
               ground and broken. Murphy brings this broken model to the breakfast table.

               Murphy with Broken Lunar Module

               This scene establishes a symbolic theme found throughout the movie which most viewers fail to pick
               up on. The theme is that a historic deception regarding the lunar landings has taken place in the past
               which cannot be held together perpetually. At some point the deception will “break down” and
               people will discover it was all a fiction. Murphy asks her father Cooper if he can “fix it.”
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