Page 74 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 74

to discuss some trouble his daughter Murphy has gotten into at school. Murphy’s teacher explains
               that the conflict between Murphy and some other students was precipitated by an argument over
               whether the Moon landings were faked. The teacher asserts matter-of-factly that their old “Federal
               textbooks” falsely taught that man landed on the Moon, but the new revised textbooks they are using
               admit that this was a necessary deception due to global threats at the time.

               Principal: Miss Hanley is here to talk about Murph.
               Miss Hanley: Murph is a great kid, she's really bright. But she's been having a little trouble lately.
               She brought this in to show the other students the section on the lunar landings.
               Cooper: Yeah, it's one of my old textbooks. She always loved the pictures.
               Ms. Hanley: It's an old federal textbook. We've replaced them with the corrected versions.
               Cooper: Corrected?
               Ms. Hanley: Explaining how the Apollo missions were faked to bankrupt the Soviet Union.
               Cooper: (After long pause) You don't believe we went to the Moon?
               Ms. Hanley: I believe it was a brilliant piece of propaganda, that the Soviets bankrupted themselves,
               pouring resources into rockets and other useless machines.
               Cooper: Useless machines?
               Ms. Hanley: And if we don't want a repeat of the excess and wastefulness of the 20th century then
               we need to teach our kids about this planet. Not tales of leaving it.
               Cooper: You know one of those useless machines they used to make was called an MRI. And if we
               had any of those left, the doctors would've been able to find the cyst in my wife's brain before she
               died; instead of afterwards. And then she would have been the one sitting here listening to this
               instead of me - which would've been a good thing because she was always - the calmer one.
               Ms. Hanley: I'm sorry about your wife Mr. Cooper. But Murph got into a fistfight with several of
               her classmates over this Apollo nonsense. So we thought it would be best to bring you in and see
               what ideas you might have for dealing with her behavior on the home front.
               Cooper: Yeah, you know what, there's a game tomorrow night. She's going through a bit of a
               baseball phase, her favorite team is playing. There's gonna be candy and soda - I think I'll take her
               to that.

               There are a number of observations to be drawn from this exchange. At some point in the future the
               film is indicating it will be admitted that the Apollo Moon landings were faked. Interestingly, the
               old textbooks which presented the Moon landings as truth are referred to as “Federal.” Although the
               American  government  does  not  overtly  create  textbooks,  nor  do  they  dictate  what  specific
               information must appear in them, it is accurate to describe school textbooks as “Federal.” As has
               been pointed out in previous chapters, there is a collusion between corporations and government.
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