Page 73 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 73

costing  an  estimated  $165,000,000  to  produce.  The  movie  featured  numerous  top-tier  actors,
               including Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, John Lithgow, Jessica Chastain, and Michael
               Caine. The movie was directed by Christopher Nolan, a man who is well connected to the global
               elite, privy to many of their schemes, and a man whom I deem to be a profound esotericist who has
               used his movies to subtly reveal much of the plans and workings of the global elite.

               The tag line on the movie poster reads, “THE END OF THE EARTH WILL NOT BE THE END OF
               US.” The discerning individual will readily question to whom the word “US” refers. I would suggest
               that it is intended to convey one meaning to the profane masses, and another meaning to the initiates
               and adepts of the New World Order. It is the elite, the servants of Satan, who are chosen to survive
               the destructive events coming upon the Earth.

               Christopher Nolan, who along with his brother Jonathan, also co-wrote the screenplay to this movie,
               acknowledged his admiration of director Stanley Kubrick and his debt to Kubrick’s movie 2001, A
               Space Odyssey. Anyone who has done serious research into the Moon landing hoax will understand
               the relevance of this. Stanley Kubrick worked on his famous movie about space exploration during
               the years 1964-1968. These are the same years the Apollo Moon program was being prepped for its
               global debut in 1969. There is abundant and compelling evidence that Stanley Kubrick was hired by
               NASA to fake the Moon landings, a view I find both persuasive and credible. Kubrick’s research and
               development for 2001, A Space Odyssey would have provided a convenient cover to enable NASA
               to develop the infrastructure and acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to present to the world
               a convincing facsimile of a televised lunar space program. I will be addressing this subject in
               subsequent chapters.

               Stanley Kubrick at Front Center, with Frederick Ordway - NASA Advisor, Deke Slayton -
               NASA Astronaut, Arthur C. Clarke - Science Fiction Writer, and George Mueller - Senior
               Administrator of the Apollo Project

               If one is to understand the esoteric messages contained in the movie Interstellar, it is necessary to
               know  of  Stanley  Kubrick’s  association  with  the  Apollo  Moon  Program.  This  will  explain
               Christopher Nolan’s many allusions to Kubrick in Interstellar. One of the occult (hidden) messages
               which reappears throughout Interstellar is that the Apollo Moon landings were faked, being a
               fabrication of the U.S. government. In at least one stunning disclosure, this message is stated overtly
               and is not hidden at all. Following is a clip from Interstellar where Matthew McConaughey’s
               character named Cooper (also a name of an Apollo astronaut) is having a parent teacher conference
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