Page 72 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 72

Because these examples of predictive programming occur in fictional works, any assertions that there
               were people in high places of power who were signaling things which they would soon do is readily
               denied. They are explained as nothing more than coincidences, no matter how great the correlation
               is between the programs and the events which followed.

               The rational Christian who understands that Satan is the ruler of this fallen world, and recognizing
               that he appoints men and women to positions of power, entrusting to them vast wealth and resources,
               will be better prepared to accept that wicked and deceptive acts are not an anomaly in this world.
               They are the modus operandi of the one whom the Bible describes as “the great deceiver” and “a
               murderer.” Those whom Satan bequeaths power to will invariably manifest his nature.

               The television and movie corporations are run by individuals who manifest the nature of Satan. This
               is readily observable as one notes the promotion and glorification of all manner of wickedness in
               these forms of media. Fornication, adultery, homosexuality, theft, murder, rape, violence, rebellion,
               profane and obscene speech, witchcraft, sorcery, and every form of moral depravity is packaged into
               a form of entertainment and sold to the masses who consume it as a steady diet. One can follow the
               careers of actors such as Britney Spears, Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, and many others as they are
               transformed from innocent children to morally compromised youth, and ultimately to thoroughly
               debauched adults. That the television and movie industries stand in direct opposition to God and His
               Christ while advancing the agenda of Satan is beyond credible disputation.

               What then if Satan and his human subjects choose to employ the same forms of media to deceive
               mankind, enveloping the entire world in illusion and deception? What if they use the media to reveal
               their hand in every evil work, yet they do so in a manner which will not be sufficient to indict any
               individual for the role they play? Such things should not surprise the disciple of Christ. As the
               apostle Paul stated, “We are not unaware of Satan’s devices or schemes” (II Corinthians 2:11).

               On November 7, 2014 a remarkable movie titled Interstellar was released. It was a major production
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