Page 70 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 70

Shelf Life of a Deception

               Truth will come to light..., at the length, the truth will out.
               [William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice]

               Although some lies have shown a remarkable longevity, persisting for millennia, in the end the false
               character of every deception will be exposed. Some lies, having served their intended purpose, are
               admitted by those who perpetrated the lies. Other deceptions, such as that which declared cigarette
               smoking to not be injurious to one’s health, simply cannot be maintained perpetually. Ultimately,
               with the appearing of Christ to establish His kingdom upon the Earth, every lie will be cast down in
               order that Truth might reign supreme. The Moon deception is one of those lies that cannot be
               maintained perpetually. Those who designed and carried forward this massive hoax understand this.
               Already they have been giving intimations that the lies will be admitted at some point in the future.

               There is a frequently cited statement on the Internet asserting that President Lyndon Johnson sealed
               many of the Apollo space program records, with the stipulation that they not be declassified and
               made available to the public until the year 2026. It is argued by many truthers that the year 2026 was
               chosen for the unsealing of the Apollo records in order to allow all the primary participants to have
               died before the lies are exposed. I have not been able to verify this claim of the sealing of the records
               of the NASA Moon program. Nevertheless, I believe the powers-that-be will likely admit the ruse
               at some point, justifying the deception as having been necessary to address critical threats in the
               world during the decades of the 1960s and 1970s.

               The hidden powers which rule this world have ownership of all of the most influential media
               sources.  It  has  been  often  reported in  the  past  decade that  these  global  rulers  use  the  media,
               particularly television and movies, to reveal openly, yet in a plausibly deniable way, that they are the
               true perpetrators of many of the evil, deceptive, and at times massively destructive events which
               occur in  this  world. Many  videos have been  compiled  revealing  that  the events of 9-11 were
               foreshadowed in subtle and blatant means through television programming and in movies.
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