Page 65 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 65

Note the article at the bottom of the front page of the Chicago Tribune dated July 21, 1969: Pope
               Hails Success of Apollo 11, Offers Blessing for Its Crewmen. The article begins, “Pope Paul VI
               hailed the Apollo 11 astronauts today as conquerors of the Moon... The 71 year old Pontiff followed
               the lunar landing on color television in the pontifical observatory at his summer retreat south of

               The image of the Pope staring through a telescope as if watching the happenings on the Moon, is
               pictured below an image of President Richard Nixon speaking by telephone to the astronauts who
               are declared to be standing on the surface of the Moon. To the left of this article is another with the
               headline World Pauses, Peers, Praises Lunar Conquest. On the opposite side is an image of the three
               Apollo 11 astronauts and the words President Tells Nation’s Pride in Moon Walk. WOW! You
               cannot call in more influential men than this. If the Pope and the President both say man walked on
               the Moon, and the article beside them states that the whole WORLD praises the lunar conquest, who
               would dare to question whether it really happened? People, this is how propaganda is performed!
               And lest the tendency of men to follow the leader is not enough, there is on the same page the appeal
               to national pride. In the very center of the page is the American flag shown planted firmly in the
               lunar soil. Following is another example of using the Pope to lend his influence to this event.

               Don’t Forget Earth - Pope
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