Page 59 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 59

persuading evaluators...

               The  industry  understands  the  influence  that  graphics  have  on  their  audience.  It  is  common
               knowledge to companies like Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, Boeing, and Lockheed Martin that
               graphics are an essential part of winning new government business...

               Flags, eagles, and other symbols of patriotism are often included on proposal covers simply because
               of the positive emotional influence patriotic imagery has on government evaluators. Part of the
               cover's goal is to instantly establish that the presenter is a supportive, trustworthy, reliable patriot.


               Adolph Hitler devoted two chapters of Mein Kampf to the subject of the importance of propaganda,
               stressing that “visual presentation” was of fundamental importance. That the NAZI’s were able to
               effectively mobilize an entire nation to extreme acts of devotion is undeniable. The emotional and
               psychic power of their visual imagery was immense.

               Hitler Gives Address at Reichstag, 1939

               The NAZI party was renowned for sponsoring grandiose rallies which were visual spectacles. The
               swastika on a brilliant red background, the image of the eagle, and other visual centerpieces were
               used with great emotional effect.
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