Page 58 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 58

would  have  been  removed  long  ago.  Although  you  will  find  some  truth  coming  from  these
               alternative news sources, they are controlled opposition. They are useful to the elite for identifying
               those who are their adversaries. They also serve to promote ideologies and actions which play into
               the hands of the world powers.

               It is in the interest of the global elite to sow strife, fear, and division among mankind. The majority
               of alternative media sites serve this end. They also promote carnal reactions to tyranny. A global
               power which controls militaries containing millions of soldiers, sailors, and airmen; who have a
               monopoly on weapons of mass destruction; who can meet guns and rifles with tanks and missiles,
               is not intimidated by the threat of civil unrest or the actions of local militia groups. Part of Satan’s
               overall  plan  is  to  greatly  depopulate  the  Earth.  Consequently,  turning  citizens  against  their
               government, and townspeople against the local police, serves their purposes very well. Those who
               take up the sword will die by the sword.

               As I have emphasized repeatedly in my writings, I do not advocate that Christians engage in political
               activism, or that they should take up carnal weapons against the rulers of this dark and evil world.
               My purpose is to remove the veil of illusion from people’s minds in order that they might see this
               world as it truly is. Only then will the people of God be able to walk wisely in the midst of a crooked
               and perverse generation. Repeatedly, God’s word declares, “Do not be deceived,” “Do not be
               deceived,” “Do not be deceived.”

               Images exert a far greater influence upon the human psyche than words alone. Satan understands
               this, and so too do those men and women whom he appoints to guide this world. Following is one
               anecdote I came upon in my research.

               Larry Tracy, who now trains corporate executives to make oral presentations for government
               contracts, headed the Pentagon's top briefing team and worked for years with the Department of
               State. He was aware that graphics were so influential in the government's decision to purchase
               goods and services that bad buying decisions were made based on the quality of the visuals in the
               presented  materials.  This  has  in  turn  led  to  the  government,  at  times,  putting  constraints  on
               presented graphics by requiring black and white submissions, or even requiring that no graphics
               be used in a presentation in order to reduce the likelihood of high-quality, polished graphics unfairly
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