Page 57 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 57

Smith... made clear what his ultimate goal would be: “I’d like to have (coverage in) 80 percent of
               the country if I could get it. I’d like to have 90 percent.”

               Sinclair’s corporate website provides the following company information.

               Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc. is one of the largest and most diversified television broadcasting
               companies in the country. Sinclair owns and operates, programs or provides sales services to more
               television stations than anyone and has affiliations with all the major networks. In addition,
               Sinclair is the leading local news provider in the country.

               Below these words one finds the following banner.

               It would be naive to believe that these “competing” networks in any degree represent alternative
               views which are independent of the transnational corporate rulers, or in any way opposed to their
               agenda of global domination. The appearance of rivalry between the “conservative” views expressed
               by  FOX  News,  and  the  “liberal”  views  of  MSNBC  or  CNN  is  nothing  more  than  controlled
               opposition. The same corporate powers script all sides of the issues, framing the discussion for the
               populace. This prevents any original, or potentially threatening ideas from gaining traction in the
               public mind.

               ABC/FOX Live News Truck - Springfield, MA

               Brothers and sisters, we are not merely contending with a group of men who have a material agenda
               to enrich themselves. Nor are these corporate rulers simply responding to threats, tamping down
               stories that might expose what is actually happening in the world. There is a master plan which is
               being followed. The author of this plan is a fallen angelic entity whose intelligence and experience
               far exceeds that of any offspring of Adam. When Satan plays chess, he sees permutations that dwarf
               the capacity of fallen man. He has schemes within schemes, feints within feints. Even much of what
               passes for “alternative media” today, and many who are considered the leading members of the “truth
               movement,” are agents of Satan.

               If you put your confidence in men like Alex Jones of Infowars, Jeff Rense, David Icke, or sites like
               The Drudge Report, BeforeItsNews, or hundreds of similar sources of alternative media, you have
               misplaced your confidence. With the exception of Andrew Breitbart (Editor at the Drudge Report)
               who was silenced, these men and their sites represent no threat to the global order. If they did, they
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