Page 52 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 52

However, with the advent of democratic forms of government, the elite needed to look to other tools
               to maintain their control. Chief among these tools is the mass media. By purchasing newspaper and
               magazine publishing companies, “press barons,” as they were called, were able to wield tremendous
               political influence over the populace. By the year 1920 nearly all of the major newspapers in
               America were run by large media corporations such as Gannett, Hearst Corporation, The McClatchy
               Company, Cox Enterprises, and The Tribune Company.

               This  aggregation  of  print  media  under  the  control  of  large  corporations  coincided  with  the
               establishment of the Federal Reserve which handed control of America’s money supply over to
               private  corporate  interests.  Thus,  the  government  and  the  media  became  the  instruments  of
               international financiers and industrialists who covertly rule the masses. By obtaining a majority
               interest in these media organizations, the global elite could appoint the editors of the newspapers and
               publishing houses and thereby control what issues are reported on and what views are expressed.

               As I was growing  up  and attending  public schools  in America, I  remember being  taught  that
               communist countries like the Soviet Union and China did not have a free press. Rather, they had a
               state controlled press. This state press was able to propagandize the citizens of these nations, plying
               them with a distorted, lying, and false view of the world. I was assured by my teachers that America
               was different, for it had a free press. I was told that in no way were Americans propagandized. It was
               only in much later years that I discovered the lie.

               The deceit is accomplished by suggesting that America’s government is run democratically by the
               people, and the government does not own or control the press. It is corporations that own and control
               the press. A very different reality comes to light once a person understands that it is also the
               corporations that control American government, and they have done so for more than a century.
               Thus, just like in the Soviet Union or Red China, the press is in the hands of the powers that run the
               government. This is a perfect situation to accomplish the propagandizing of the American populace.
               The situation is no different in any of the other so-called democratic nations of the world. You and
               I have been propagandized from birth. An elite group, very small in number, wield the power to
               propagandize the people, molding public opinion and herding the masses like sheep in whatever
               direction they desire.

               Edward  Bernays  wrote  his  seminal  book  Propaganda  in  the  year  1928.  This  book  expressed
               concisely and openly the policies and methods of those who control mankind through the media.

               The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an
               important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society
               constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.

               We are governed, our minds molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have
               never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which democratic society is organized...

               Whatever attitude one chooses toward this condition, it remains a fact that in almost every act of our
               daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or ethical thinking,
               we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons - a trifling fraction... who understand
               the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control
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