Page 34 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 34

the day of reckoning is only a few years removed.... The worst legislative crime of the ages is
               perpetrated by this banking bill.
               [Congressman Charles Lindbergh Sr., December 1911]

               Despite the protests of Americans like Congressman Lindbergh, the Federal Reserve Act passed.
               Lindbergh’s statement, “the invisible government by the Monetary Power will be legalized,” and his
               prediction that the terrible consequences of this abdication of power by the government to a private
               corporation would become apparent in just a few years, seem in hindsight to be prophetic. Three
               years after the Federal Reserve Act passed, the U.S. Mint released a new dime that has come to be
               known as “the Mercury dime.” Officially this was the “Winged Liberty Head dime.” Yet, like many
               acts of government carried out by men with occult allegiances, there is the explanation given to the
               “profane,” and another explanation reserved for those who are worthy to be told the truth. In this
               case, however, the profane masses of American citizens easily saw through the deception and
               recognized the image on the dime as the Roman god Mercury.

               Mercury Dime

               Mercury was considered by the Romans to be the patron god of financial gain and commerce. The
               artist who created the impression for the Mercury Dime was Adolph Alexander Weinman. Weinman
               also sculpted the two Sphinxes which stand outside the House of the Temple in Washington, D.C..
               The House of the Temple is the headquarters of Scottish Rite Freemasonry in North America. I am
               confident that Weinman was quite familiar with the occult significance of the  images he was
               contracted to sculpt. Significant to the subject at hand is that the reverse side of the Mercury dime
               was adorned with the image of the fascis.

               I believe this was a not-so-subtle message by the money powers that they now controlled the
               government of the United States. They now held the power to punish all those who defied their
               authority. In the same fateful year of 1913 when the Federal Reserve Act was passed transferring the
               control  of  America’s  money  to  a  private  corporation  of  international  bankers,  the  Sixteenth
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